Fer-de-Lance Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, what's so interesting that the reigning Mayan Chief is sitting in the box suite checking things out?  Well, it just so happens to be the Mayan version of lacrosse/hockey played with a flaming ball!  Yeah, go ahead, think of all the flaming ball jokes you know and send them with a self addressed stamped envelope to Dept. X, Mr. Gomez, Battle Creek, Michigan to claim your premium.  The were several questions on everyone's minds as the game began:  How the hell do you keep that thing lit?  (It appeared to be oozing some kind of flammable liquid, leaving cool trails on the floor and bitchen arcs through the air.)  How do you keep the floor from catching fire when you have a face-off?  (The floor was wood by-the-by.)  Are you obligated to help your opponent when he gets nailed in the forehead with a flaming pelota or instead of putting him out, do you turn and shoot?  Our only observation of note: they had no problem with fans keeping the balls hit into the stands...

Beautiful morning here in the great wide open.  Danger Boy and the Professor found themselves at Topaz Bay, with 15 miles visibility under hazy-smoggy skies.  Winds were calm and quickly turned lightly onshore (to 3.9kts) but not enough to mess things up radically.  The air temp was 54.9° and the water was a very accommodating 59.5°.  Getting to be right on the edge of spring suit time.  High tide is at 5:17am +3.6' and low tide will follow at 11:51am +0.9'.  The swell is out of the SSW at 199° at 3.6' and we're calling it 3' to 4' and fair to good.  If the swell holds, there might be some opportunity for a little weekend fun!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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