Foreign Service Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We scoped this sticker on the back of this old Chevy 3100 panel truck.  Kinda reminded us of hot dusty Baja, long necked Pacificos and cool blue waves unraveling down the beach.  Bonus points if you can tell us who owns the truck...

Overcast this fine morning as Danger Boy and the Professor made it down to the water's edge.  One mile visibility and almost drizzly.  Winds were variable, calm to onshore by 3.2kts and the sea surface was smooth to slightly tacked.  The air temp was 60.3° and the water is still trying at 59.5°.  Low tide is at 9:37am +1.0' and high tide will follow at 4:51pm +4.2'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 200° true at 3.9'.  We're calling it 3' to almost 4' and fair to good shape.  DB and the Professor caught lots of waves this morning right at 1st Dip Topaz.  Buffalo Kevin was down toward Secrets and no one else was out.  What's that about???  See you in the morning!

Re:  Jury Duty...
No worries Professor.  Just tell 'em about your priors, the felony or two, the fights, etc. Oh, and that you are Boomfwappa's bro.  Not a prosecutor in LA willing to risk getting on your wrong side.
Big Daddy
(Dude, it was magic.  The summons was for early in the month of July.  So, I called and asked, not to have it postponed, but to serve earlier!  So the lady laughed and said, "Sure." and told me to call in last Friday after 6pm.  So I did and the recording said that the court was closed on Monday for Memorial Day and to call in on Tuesday.  So I called on Tuesday, but they didn't want me.  Then I called on Wednesday and they didn't want me then either.  Last night I called and they said, "Hey, since you were so damned enthusiastic about serving, we've decided that you don't have to come in at all and you've served your term and you're free for a year!"  Man, it was totally Tao of Steve or the felonies...  The Professor!!)

The Professor has been getting back into drawing and painting lately and this is one of the pieces he did on some old scrap metal.  He's still working on the series of eyeballs he started about a year ago, but now he's rendering them in color.  This one's a combination of spray paint, acrylic and lacquer.   He's also done some palm trees and there's a tiki or two...

We've been told that there is a happy hour tonight at the Russian Tea Room (that's what they called it) on the lower level of the International Boardwalk, around 5:30pm.  Call Danger Boy for details.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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