World Cup Wednesday Surf & Culture Report & July 4th Invitation
Lost Boys & Co...
Just like we promised yesterday! Here's an entire spring roll from Lou-e-Luey's on the left and on the right is it's partially eaten twin. It's two for $3 on Monday nights. Also included is some tasty peanut sauce and we like to add a bit of Sirachi to spice things up. Antony saw us wolfing down all this good grub and he asked if we'd ever been to Vietnam. We said, "No, but the U.S. Army had an intense interest in sending us there back in the 60's and early 70's. We just never took advantage of their generous offer, which included food, lodging, travel expenses and training..." Mean while who should appear but Maleko, Baleko, Dialeko and Paveleko. They were having a jolly time of it and took a moment to pose for this snap. Remember: "The family that eats together, lekos together."
Visibility 10 miles this morning under overcast skies. Winds were offshore by 7.2kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temperature was 60.1° and the water is hanging below 65 at 63.1°. Just enough to make it a bit chilly without the sun on you. Low tide was at 7:14am -0.8' and high tide was at 2:03pm +4.3'. The buoy was reading a 4.3' swell out of the SSW at 240°. It was 4' to 6' and there were some mackers on the outside. With the low tide, the early session had some tubular waves hitting off the outside sandbars at all the avenues, Torrance and Topaz. It looks like the swell is dropping, but there could still be some good leftovers in the a.m.
Finally, in all of our years of surfing the South Bay we've never seen anything quite like what happened this morning. A group that included Billy Macintosh, was sitting on the second dip at Topaz. Out of the deep blue comes this sea lion. It appeared to be a young bull, just like the one in the photo, but BIG - like 300lbs at least. The seal heads right for Billy and starts giving him the evil eye. Billy, gives him the hairy eyeball right back and then starts yelling at him to go away. The seal starts barking and yelling at Billy, something in sea lion, like "this is my ocean and who the hell are you to tell me to leave?" But Billy has logged quite a bit more water time than the seal and says, "Hey, this is MY spot and no seal is just going to swim in here and take over." So, Billy starts splashing the seal and yelling various and sundry epithets and the beast gets really agitated. It starts standing on it's tail and lunging at Billy. So Billy (who's not backing down) slides to the back of his board and starts slapping the water with his board. The seal keeps lunging and Bill pokes him in the head. Now the seal is really pissed! He makes a final lunge at Bill and Bill takes his board and whacks the seal over the head with it. Not hard enough to break his board, but almost. The sea lion retreats and Billy catches a wave and rides it all the way in. The seal swims in pretty close and you can see that he's watching Billy on the beach. Of course everyone in the water is watching Billy as well, but it looks for all the world like he's beachcombing! About three minutes later, Billy paddles out and he looks like the Michelin Man. He throws a rock at the Professor and says, "Now, I'm ready for that seal!" He filled his wetsuit with rocks, so he could pelt that piniped should it rear it's face again. "Hey Bill," we asked, "Are you going to be able to float if you fall off?" Realizing his quandary, he threw the rocks at the crew as we tried to get out of range and thank goodness, we never saw the seal for the rest of the session.
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!
Just like we promised yesterday! Here's an entire spring roll from Lou-e-Luey's on the left and on the right is it's partially eaten twin. It's two for $3 on Monday nights. Also included is some tasty peanut sauce and we like to add a bit of Sirachi to spice things up. Antony saw us wolfing down all this good grub and he asked if we'd ever been to Vietnam. We said, "No, but the U.S. Army had an intense interest in sending us there back in the 60's and early 70's. We just never took advantage of their generous offer, which included food, lodging, travel expenses and training..." Mean while who should appear but Maleko, Baleko, Dialeko and Paveleko. They were having a jolly time of it and took a moment to pose for this snap. Remember: "The family that eats together, lekos together."
Visibility 10 miles this morning under overcast skies. Winds were offshore by 7.2kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temperature was 60.1° and the water is hanging below 65 at 63.1°. Just enough to make it a bit chilly without the sun on you. Low tide was at 7:14am -0.8' and high tide was at 2:03pm +4.3'. The buoy was reading a 4.3' swell out of the SSW at 240°. It was 4' to 6' and there were some mackers on the outside. With the low tide, the early session had some tubular waves hitting off the outside sandbars at all the avenues, Torrance and Topaz. It looks like the swell is dropping, but there could still be some good leftovers in the a.m.
Finally, in all of our years of surfing the South Bay we've never seen anything quite like what happened this morning. A group that included Billy Macintosh, was sitting on the second dip at Topaz. Out of the deep blue comes this sea lion. It appeared to be a young bull, just like the one in the photo, but BIG - like 300lbs at least. The seal heads right for Billy and starts giving him the evil eye. Billy, gives him the hairy eyeball right back and then starts yelling at him to go away. The seal starts barking and yelling at Billy, something in sea lion, like "this is my ocean and who the hell are you to tell me to leave?" But Billy has logged quite a bit more water time than the seal and says, "Hey, this is MY spot and no seal is just going to swim in here and take over." So, Billy starts splashing the seal and yelling various and sundry epithets and the beast gets really agitated. It starts standing on it's tail and lunging at Billy. So Billy (who's not backing down) slides to the back of his board and starts slapping the water with his board. The seal keeps lunging and Bill pokes him in the head. Now the seal is really pissed! He makes a final lunge at Bill and Bill takes his board and whacks the seal over the head with it. Not hard enough to break his board, but almost. The sea lion retreats and Billy catches a wave and rides it all the way in. The seal swims in pretty close and you can see that he's watching Billy on the beach. Of course everyone in the water is watching Billy as well, but it looks for all the world like he's beachcombing! About three minutes later, Billy paddles out and he looks like the Michelin Man. He throws a rock at the Professor and says, "Now, I'm ready for that seal!" He filled his wetsuit with rocks, so he could pelt that piniped should it rear it's face again. "Hey Bill," we asked, "Are you going to be able to float if you fall off?" Realizing his quandary, he threw the rocks at the crew as we tried to get out of range and thank goodness, we never saw the seal for the rest of the session.
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!