Great White Way Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Coming to you this morning from deep in the Bambu forest of Manhattan above the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  These two guys (along with a bunch of friends) are constructing this huge bamboo sculpture that upon completion is supposed to represent a cresting wave!  Giddeeyup!  Yeah, it's pretty cool.  We didn't pay the extra tariff to climb around, but we might!  It reaches about 50' above the roof of the Met so it's pretty dramatic.  So, now we're thinking - can you imagine the view we'd have if we built one of these things on the roof of the Topaz International Trump Tower?!  You'd be able to see Malibu breaking! 

This morning in the South Bay it's dawning gray and cool.  Visibility is about 4 miles.  Winds are calm and the sea surface is smooth to glassy.  The air temperature is 62.3° and the water is 61.9°.  We have a SSW swell out of 197° at 3.9'.  The swell is so south that it's missing most of the local beaches, so this might be a great time to head south or to Malibu to catch some of that swell...  Go get'em...

Nice snaps from Jersey
Sometime we'll have to work on your technique a little
Respectfully   f'Ball
(Wait!  You mean you have a class that shows you how to take better phone pics!  Cool!...  Ed.)

Are they still charging to go on the beach?
Mayra Houston
(YES!  They charge $5 per person to touch the sand - the water is free - funny thing is, that on some of the beaches you can run down with your surfboard and as long as you just go surfing, they DON'T charge you - That is special...  Ed.)

Hey,  I think I spotted Snooki at the far end of the beach.......
Mike G
(AND Pauly Walnuts...  Didn't recognize the babes...  Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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