Three Decker Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

No, this isn't how everyone dresses on the Jersey Shore.  These two guys in the traditional East Indian garb had just walked up to a couple of young women sunbathing and asked to have their pictures taken with them.  The bikini clad girls obliged and the guys happily trotted away giggling and elbowing each other.  The wedding turned out to be a full on Bolly-wood production, with the groom riding in on a white horse surrounded by a couple of dozen dancing girls.  At the reception they had aerial fireworks indoors!  They just torched them off and hid behind the tables!  The whole place smelled like curry and gun powder!  By contrast, the nice little Jewish wedding we attended was on the beach.  The second photo shows the Chuppah, which is the little structure under which they say their vows.  It represents their new home and life they will build together.  It's supposed to be open on all sides symbolizing their commitment to creating a home that is always open to family and friends.  We thought he best part about it being open was that you could see this nice little right that kept zipping down the beach during the low tide nuptials.  It was the closest thing we had seen to Natasha Egnatuk's Malibu point ceremony.

Yet another sunny day dawned this morning, with 10 miles visibility and only a bit of lingering marine haze to occlude our gaze.  Winds were onshore by 2.7kts and the sea surface was tacked up.  The air was a chilly 60.1° and the water dropped to an unheard of 59.5° (The first time we've ever recorded a temp in July in the 50's since we've been keeping track!)  Low tide started things off this morning at 5:50am +0.3' and high tide will follow at 12:16pm +4.5'.  The buoy was reading a 3.0' swell out of 201° SSW and that has continued to diminish throughout the day.  We're calling it 1' to 2' and poor shape, with El Portly a little bigger, but not better shaped.

We were cruising along the beach on the Shark Bike this morning, hooking in from Hermosa to Manhattan, when we heard Fronk!  There was no one there, except the usual contingent of spandex clad bikers zipping by.  A couple of blocks down the Strand, up pulls Sully on a hybrid Giant in complete gear including an helmet with rear-view mirror attached, lime green windshirt, padded shorts (or maybe not) and those clicky little shoes.  Apparently, this was the THIRD time we hadn't recognized him!  Funny thing.  Next time we'll try to keep our composure and take a pic for the archives...

Finally, we found ourselves at the bottom of the Rock on 5th Avenue, looking for Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin.  Instead we watched Atlas for a while.  Never saw him shrug...  Take that Ayn Rand...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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