Hawaii Five-O Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So when you make it across the first lake you weave yourself through the mangroves.  One wrong turn and you're stuck until someone comes along and finds you.  If you stop and crawl out along the roots, as soon as you lose sight of the water everything looks the same.  You are profoundly lost.  There are things there that will eat your ears and leave the rest to wander forever without a place to hang your sunglasses.  How do we know?  The folks who live there told us.  Photo #2 shows the entrance to the village.  It has a population of about 40, depending on how hungry the wildlife is.  We still have trouble telling the caymans from the crocs.  A 6' cayman vs a 6' croc?  Maybe a little more pinch in the snout?

Windy this morning from the west at 7 to 9 kts. and the sea surface is chopped, just shy of whitecaps.  15 miles visibility with some clouds yielding to sun as the morning progresses.  The air temp was a cool 53.2° and the water stays a crisp 55.4°.  Low tide at 9:37am +0.1' and high tide follows this pm at 4:51pm +3.1'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 265° at 5.2' and we're calling it 4' to 6'.  It's bumped up and not quite working.  It's not likely that the wind will stop, but if it does, your directive is clear...  See you there...

Had breaky with the Dangerous One this morning.  He was in fine spirits and ambitiously attacked his breakfast.  Considering all he had was a couple of turkey sandwiches during his confinement, he was amazingly well mannered.  He and TC had a wonderful time recounting stone sagas.  Unfortunately, the main rock still remains lodged in Danger Boy's kidney and they were unable to send the pliers up far enough to crush the bugger.  "How do they get up there?" you ask.  There is only one way...

No, she didn't like it when we called her "Lizard."  She was single-handedly responsible for the entry of 7 stalwarts into the Lost Boys.  In chronological order:  Conrad "Con" Hilton, Mike "Wildman" Wilding, Mike "Mickey" Todd, Eddie "Facelift" Fisher (also inducted as Princess Leia's father,) Richard "Dicky" Burton, John "The Wag" Wagner, Lawrence "Larry" Fortensky.  Arguably, without her, Hollywood would have been a much duller place.  Known for her excesses, she was also a fine actress.  We can remember feeling embarrassed while she and Burton argued in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?"  It was like you were witnessing someone's private war and shouldn't be there.  We were in the Fox Theatre in Redondo when Montgomery Clift drowned a pregnant Shelly Winters to marry Liz.  A bunch of older guys were cheering him on because Liz was hot and Shelly wasn't.  Tough Crowd.  How about "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?"  Go ahead - you try and make Paul Newman look like a pansy.  She was the "cat" and the "hot."  We included this shot of her sunning herself, waiting for her close-up...

Dear Professor,
I endorse entirely your comments about Fr Mike.  On more than several occasions he was graciously kind to me & my fam.  He is without question, the least judgmental, most non-judging priest I've ever known.  And I assure you, I presented him with at least a couple of instances, where in the old days of my youth -- sack cloth & ashes at the entry to the church would have been a minimal penance.
May your soul rest in peace, Padre, may you bask in the glow of eternal glory.
Paver & the Pavements

Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he'd just Been run over by a train.
 His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised
And he's walking with a limp.
What happened to you?" asks Sean, the bartender.
amie O'Conner and me had a fight," says Paddy.
hat little shit, O'Conner," says Sean, "He couldn't do that To you, he must have had something in his hand."
hat he did," says Paddy, "a shovel is what he had, and a terrible lickin' he gave me with it."
ell," says Sean, "you  should have defended Yourself, didn't you have something in your hand?"
hat I did," said Paddy.  M
rs. O'Conner's breast, and a thing of beauty It was, but useless in a fight."
(This might as well have been a Portagee joke...  Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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