Write-In Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Nice shot of Kevin, looking rather fast and agile.  Can you imagine flying an 11'6" blade like that?  #2 Ryan from the Becker shop, looking stylish and collected.

High clouds this morning graying things up a bit.  Winds are already lightly on-shore this morning at 1.3kts and the sea surface is tacked a bit.  The air temperature is 49.2° and the water is 55.4°.  High tide was at 7:38am +5.4' and low tide will follow at 2:19pm -0.4'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 203° at 2.0'.  But as you know the buoy is sometimes quite full of itself and we're calling things more like 1' and poor.  It's supposed to get better tomorrow, but that could also mean a bit more wind...

But there's more...

Captain Brad is the regular skipper of the Voyager, the whale watch/site seeing boat that operates out of King Harbor in Redondo Beach.  Today, March 1st, we were stand-up paddling in the harbor when Captain Brad called us over to the Voyager.  Captain Brad proceeded to tell us that yesterday, February 28th, he was one mile off of Bluff Cove ("The Cove") on the Voyager when he spotted two Great White Sharks.  He said the sharks "breached" at least 5 times leaping high out of the water making themselves clearly visible and identifiable as Great Whites.  Captain Brad said that at one point one of the sharks was within 50 feet of the Voyager and that it was the biggest shark he had ever seen, easily 15 (fifteen) feet long.
The ocean we share with all sea creatures is a wild and wonderful place...
Riviera Wave Riders 
(Note:  We have no intention of sharing the ocean with great white sharks.  When they are present they can have the entire thing.  We will watch quietly until they are finished and they leave.  Only then will we invite ourselves in...  Oh yeah, how long does it take them to swim a mile?  Can we have a head start??   Ed.)
Just a reminder that we'll be leaving tonight for Puerto and the report will be sporadic at best.  We should be back and on-line on March 10th (not AUGUST 10th, as Danger Boy so adroitly pointed out.  We have no idea how that happened, other than wishful thinking.  The notion of 80+ water temps obviously gave us the fantods.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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