Facial Lacerations Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Tomorrow evening as the sun hits the horizontal, we'll be at Kincaid's watching the sizzle.  4pm is the appointed meeting time and the sun is scheduled to hit the deck at 4:54pm.  This will give you time to get a drink and a spot on the rail...  We're expecting to see you.  Surprise us, show up!

Foggies this morning with just a ¼ mile visibility.  Winds off at 3.2kts and the sea surface is imagined to be smooth.  The air temp at checkout was 53.2° and the water was 58.5°.  Low tide at 7:18am +2.3' and high tide will follow at 12:39 +3.8'.  The buoy is showing a west swell out of 275° at 3.3'.  We're calling what we can see 3' to 4' and breaking damned close to shore.  No room for errors, so don't make any...

Danger Boy continued...
I like the sneer. I'll bet, now that he's retired, we could get DB a guest starring role on American Chopper.
That sneer makes Paul Sr. look like a weenie!
Big Daddy
P.S. Just curious, are we SURE that Danger Girl had nothing to do with this?
(Wait he's not retired until April 1st.  We still can't believe that's the date!  If he's going to be on American Chopper we need to get him an agent and his own personal physician.  We were there and saw the whole thing - Danger Girl was nowhere in sight.  Of course one of her agents may have been skulking about...  Ed.)

Frank,  cant he just stop hurting himself.  And the saga goes on.  Lets get a album of all the issues must be two a year.
(that's two a year, not an ear, that's next year.)
(We had proposed taking a portrait of Danger Boy and putting in all of the stitches and dings with a sharpie.  He claims he only has a few facial lacerations, but we maintain that they're spectacular none-the-less.  For example, we recall when he pretty much erased his forehead on the sand in El Porto.  He looked like he had been flayed.  Or how about the time the flying fish smacked him in the noggin and drew blood?  They all count...  We're looking for the sharpie...  Ed.)
You learn the best stuff at breakfast...

Us:  Hey, Arnie, haven't seen you in a while!
Arnie:  Yeah, I've been gone a couple of weeks...
U:  Visiting family?
A:  Naw, I got abducted by aliens...
U:  Aren't they in New Jersey?
A:  My FAMILY is in Jersey, I got abducted by fuckin' aliens.
U:  Like from Mexico or Canada?
A:  Naw, man, from space!
U:  From space.  Okay, it's a big place, where did they take you?
A:  A distant galaxy...
U:  Dude, they're ALL distant
A:  (He draws on a napkin...)  Okay, see these swirly arms?  We're right here...  They're all the way over here...
U:  Hey, Ivan!  What's Andy having for breakfast?
Ivan:  A spinner with extra mushrooms.
U:  Okay, we want one too!
A:  And Sriracha sauce!
U:  Yeah, don't forget the Sriracha...  So how long did it take to get there?
A:  Oh, it took a while, like four or five hours.  I kinda thought they were lost for a while...
U:  You thought they were lost?
A:  It was just a feeling I got.
U:  Yeah, so what happened when you got there?
A:  They inspected me.  Like they had these probes...  Kinda touched me all over...  I didn't even take off my clothes.
U:  What did they look like? 
A:  Pretty much like humans...  Maybe a little shorter.  Mostly skinnier, but the fat ones were really fat.
U: Not green?
A:  No man, that's made up shit!
U:  Yeah, so you were there for two weeks?!
A:  Yeah, they would'a brought me back sooner but they had their annual holiday celebrations.
U:  Wait, you mean they have holidays like we do?
A:  No, not exactly.  They have a solar system with two stars, so they celebrate a double new year.  You know what's funny, they have confetti. 
U:  You mean like little strips of colored paper, confetti...
A:  Yeah, like regular confetti.  They toss it outta windows and throw it in the air, you know, just like regular confetti.
U:  So, with all of this going on, did they say anything that was like, you know, wise?
A:  Yeah, like during the start of the celebration this one guy said to me, "Cover your glass when they let the confetti go, 'cause you don't wanna ruin your drink."
U:  That was it?
A:  Yeah, cool huh!

One of the Professor's favorite waves this year...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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