Mystic Monday Surf & Culture Report
Lost Boys & Co...
Here we have what appears to be a palm tree made out of sky rockets. This happened last night at what appeared to be the battle for Manhattan Beach. The forces of darkness were ultimately conquered by colorful displays and aerial assaults, as the Manhattonians marshaled their tanned and well rested forces and took over every eatery within two blocks of the beach. The faithful wrote poems and spoke in verse as the battle waged overhead. The finalé was an extraordinarily ostentatious exhibition of the pyrotechnic arts, as the locals charged the pier with strollers, light sabers and all manner of holiday armor to watch the triumph of their struggle. They weren't disappointed...
Meanwhile, the clouds have moved in and we have 5 miles visibility under rainy, unsettled skies. Winds are offshore by 7.2kts and the sea surface is glassy. The air temperature is 51.0° and the water is 58.8°. High tide is at 9:15am +6.1' and low tide will be at 4:38pm -0.6'. The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 250° at 2.6'. It's coming in the window, but the tide is high and it's 2' right on the beach. Maybe later for some little ones...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!
The Professor!!