Tamarack Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We got some cool stuff for X-mas, but nothing quite as cool as these abominable snowman/yeti underwear.  They're flannel and have that single button fly, that always comes in handy...

We're in Idaho, with the northern fam, but we're watching the surf and it looks like it's still waiting to get bigger.  Right now we're reading a west swell out of 275° at 2.3'.  That should begin to change soon.  The air temperature was 53.3° and the water is holding at 58.8°.  Winds were out of the NE by 3.2kts and the sea surface is smooth...  Waiting...

Wishing you a very happy and prosperous 2012 !!
Your new Mayan calender will arrive in the mail shortly.
Its the nifty kind with a magnet on back so you can hang it on the fridge...modern Mayans have since improved upon 
the 2 ton slab of rock they used 23,000 years ago...thank the Gods !!
They are also displaying a variety of Mayan realtors on the calender in case you would like to sell your house to the
one person in America that can still buy a house.
I've been very busy preparing for massive earthquakes, the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, the arrival of the anti-christ and the closing of Sears...
maybe you think that's a bit radical but...what if the History channel is right ?? (I'd rather not fight the crowd for the last pair of Air Jordon's just
before the rapture)
And if by any chance the Milky Way does suck us all into it's center I'd like to say thank you for all the chuckles and laughs
I've enjoyed while reading your emails !!!
(And YOU!  Your emails always bring a smile to our salt-encrusted faces!  We always wanted to see things at the center of the universe!   Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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