Thunderspreck Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So dat's the way da river walk!  We got that part - it was the apostrophization of pard'ner that gave us the fantods.  If you're using dialect, pardner might be a perfectly good word.  You might even use it instead of partner, like we do here in the big city.  We couldn't figure out if they were guilty about losing the "t" and replacing it with the softer "d" or if they wanted you to hesitate for a bit of genuine western lingo.  Gabby Hayes could have helped here...

Partly cloudy this morning with 15 miles visibility and clearing as the day progresses.  Winds were variable and the sea surface was smooth to a slight ripple.  The air temp was 51.5° and the water rebounded to 58.1°.  High tide early at 4:56am +4.8' and low tide will follow at 12:42pm +0.3'.  We're looking at a west swell out of 272° at 3.3'.  It's a long period swell so we're not getting big waves like Hawaii, but it was 2' to 3' and there were some hip huggers out there...

When NOT to go...
Safer to go now than during Bike Week.
I was playing a little blackjack at Harrah's later in the year and the dealer says "heard about the shooting?"  I said "No. For playing blackjack?"  Dealer says "No. It happened right there behind your chair. That feller died."
Needless to say, always check to see when Bike Week is prior to venturing to Don Laughlin's paradise . . .
Big Daddy

Not to brag, but we have had a few cocktails in our day.  Straight, mixed, shaken, stirred (yes, a barkeep said "Shaken or stirred" riffing on the James Bond line and we said, "stirred."  They just stood there and waited for us to say, "Just kidding."  We didn't.  They looked like they were doing a chemistry experiment.  Tasted like shit and had warm spots (kinda like surfing parts of El Porto.)  But we digress...  We had never had a beverage with a great view.  So we sauntered in and asked for a rum and Coke.  The barman put it in front of us ands we said, "Is this one of the beverages with a great view?"
Bartender:  "Excuse me?"
Us:  "The sign said you had ice cold beverages with a great view.  This is ice cold but it still looks like a rum and coke..."
B:  "Wanna try something else?"
U:  "Sure, how about a martini."
B:  "You got it!"
This went on for a scotch, a cosmopolitan, an old fashion and two shots of Patron.
B:  "How's the view now?"
U:  "Looks like wood paneling with pink clouds?"
B:  "That's the underside of the table.  The pink must be the gum. 
U:  "Yeah, it's gum..."
B:  Maybe you should go outside and get some air?  Uh, leave the gum...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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