Photostatic Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

After almost 50 years of selling surfboards John Leininger has finally decided to "retire."  Most people know him as the front man for "Rick" and " Becker" surfboards and he was a first class manager and salesman.  More importantly, if you walked into the shop, by the time you left, you felt as though you had made a new friend.  He unfailingly remembered your name, what you were riding and all your surfing peculiarities.  He had one of the three most outstanding mustaches in the history of the world and even the Professor, when complemented on his rather fulsome growth, always claimed to be far behind John.  In photo #1, John and the Professor mug for the camera.  We dug through our archives and ran across this ad for South Bay Surfboards.  It features a bald faced John, hawking a tunnel skeg and whistling a Peter, Paul & Mary tune.  Could be the last time anyone saw him without a mustache!

More gray this morning and almost 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3.6kts at checkout and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 62.6° and someone jumbled the numbers and came up with 66.2° for the water temp.  High tide was at 8:31am +3.3' and low tide will follow at 1:01pm +2.1'.  We have a diminishing SW swell out of 234° at 3.6' and the surf this morning was a fun 3'.

The Buck Stops Here...
Was Buck's heart attack the result of being taken to Riverside Community Hospital?  Someone close to him may be trying to kill him.  It pays to watch crime dramas.  Best wishes and prayers and stuff to Buck . . . but tell him to sleep with one eye open.
 Big Daddy
 (We spoke to Buck this morning and he's doing a lot better.  In the week before he had the attack had been surfing, camping, re-sodding the lawn, playing the accordion, hiking and working on his sprinkler system.  He was strickened while sitting on the couch.  There's got to be a moral there, but we're not sure what it is...   Ed.)

Flashbak at Keegan's tonight in Olde Torrance.  7 to 10pm.  Danger Boy is not allowed on the dance floor and is being banished to Tehachapi.

Finally, congratulations to Devon Bogart and all the 2012 graduates of Redondo High.  Hilary Clinton will be their commencement speaker (her nephew Tyler is graduating from Redondo.)  Our commencement speaker was George Profit, a member of the school board and the local taxidermist.  His address was titled, "Bagging the Big One."  Many a future boxboy was in that class...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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