Underground Railway Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Foggy this morning with ½ mile visibility.  Winds were soft out of the west and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was 61.3° and the water was the same 61.3° only with increased humidity.  High tide was at 6:50am +3.3' and low tide will follow at 11:32am +1.8'.  We have a SW swell out of 215° at 2.3' and things were pretty much in the region of the knees and ankles at most spots.  Supposed to get a little better over the weekend...

Shhh!  It's A Speakeasy...

So we find ourselves in this dark hallway, marginally lit by our underpowered Mini-Mag™.  It almost works better to take a photo and then look at the results to see where we are.  It turns out that were on what amounts to a dock, next to a mini-gauge rail line (like in a mine) runs parallel to the hallway.   The rusted handle in the right foreground of the first pic was used to open the door and access the tracks.  Apparently, these tracks ran all over down town and during prohibition when the cops would be watching your establishment, we'd load the booze at my place and run it over to yours underground.  Brilliant!  I tried to get a photo of the track, but that didn't seem to work very well - next time!  Photo #2 shows a continuation of the murals that covered the walls.  We guess that they used this pastoral motif to keep the clients from getting too claustrophobic.  The plan, as Mike envisions it, is to restore this space to it's original splendor.  There will be a central island-bar and then seating against the walls and in the remaining open space.  You'll access it like the old speakeasy, down the stairs and through the door - we're just hoping we'll get to know the password!  Up on top at the King Eddy?  Gonna stay pretty much the same...

After our archeological gymnastics, everyone was hungry and thirsty.  You know how those dusty spaces can dry you out!  We retired to the Spring street pub, made it passed the rather ominous bouncers and sampled some of their sandwiches and a flight of their premium beers.  We're not beer-o-philes, but they had some brews that stimulated even our uneducated palettes!  Unfortunately, all too soon it was time to leave and we said goodbye to Mike.  He was bummed we had to leave so soon and Clark was feeling so bad for him that he offered to stay and keep him company the rest of the afternoon!  That was yesterday and we haven't seen him since.  We know he's okay, the texts keep coming, but we haven't had an actual sighting.  Maybe tonight at the park...?
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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