
Showing posts from August, 2012

Theriaca thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P rof... Not completely up on the  telenovelas , but the beautiful one is Lola, la Madre de Estrellitas;  she is the power behind, knows all, controls everything from the US border to Central America; the other beautiful younger woman is Susita, her long lost, but recently returned daughter.  Susita  ran off with the Sultan of Brunei, but it didn't work out.  After that she spent years working in a Swiss convent where she cared for the daughters of plutocratic refugees who were compelled to leave their home countries pronto. . . Paverito...     (Yes! and #3 is the glamorous Yvonne, whose entry into the United States stock market rocked the NASDAQ for weeks.  She is the secret owner behind several multinational corporations and uses her power philanthropically and wisely, except when she gets pissed off...   Ed.) S peaking of Susita, today just happens to be her b-day!  Happy birthday Suzanne!   (Rumors abound...

Way-Out Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f you're up on your "telenovelas" you don't even have to ask who these people are... H ot enough for you last night?  This morning winds were calm under a cloudless sky with visibility a hazy 15 miles and a smooth sea surface.  The air temp had slid all the way down to 72.9° and the water was 69.6° at the buoy and a posted 71° at the Hermosa Pier.  High tide was at 8:59am +4.8' and a not-so-low tide will follow at 2:25pm +1.4'.  #46221 Buoy is back online and reading a west swell out of 268° at 2.3'.  With an uncooperative tide and the short period wind-swell, we've got 1' to 2' surf.  Everyone says it's supposed to get better by Friday...  We're waiting...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!  

Big Trout Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... B irdie, José & the Professor get ready to cheer on San Isidro Metapan against the Galaxy.  The good news:  Metapan scored first!  The bad news:  The Galaxy got three more goals than we did.  The Professor wanted to know if this Beckham guy was related to Phil Beckham, the creator of Beckham Surfboards, but Birdie said, "No." C loudless morning with 20 miles visibility and a fog bank lurking way out in the channel.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth along the avenues and a bit morning sick in Hermosa.  The air temperature was a toasty 71.6° (going up to the 80's) and the water was 68.5° - not going up to the 80's.  High tide at 8:26am +4.5' and low tide will be at 1:39pm +1.8'.  We have a south swell out of 184° at 2.3' and consequently we have 1' surf and it's probably not going to pick up until the end of the week.   ✠   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Windsock Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f you look closely at the end of the pipe in the photo you can see a stream of sea water gushing back into the surf.  Moments later the flow turned an ugly brown and the dredging of Topaz Bay started in earnest.  Something like 75 brazillian square yards of sand will be barfed into the surfline expanding the beach to a historically egregious width.  Yes, they're not refilling the sand they claim has been lost, but they're dumping sand (sucked up from the mouth of Marina Del Rey, after rolling down the sewage/chemical/heavy metal filled Ballona Creek) to expand the beach.  The last time they tried this, Sapphire didn't break for four years and some old timers would insist it still doesn't break they way it used to.  The water used to go all the way to the bike path.  Actually, the water used to go all the way to the cliff before there was a bike path.  We can remember surfing Knob Hill one large winter day and having to paddl...
Lost Boys & Co... W ell, we know of one sure-fire way to fuck-up a view...  Add a dredge to it.  Last Thursday evening we were rolling along the bike path and were watching Donnie Souther & Co. round the bell buoy and thinking how absolutely idyllic it was.  Then this morning on our way down to check on the surf we stumbled upon this sight.  They've finally moved the dredge to the pumping site on the north side of the Topaz jetty and are getting prepared to do some serious sucking...  Yeah, it sucks alright.  The last time they did this it was almost four years until it broke and then it wasn't like it used to be.  Guess nothing ever is... Y et another gorgeous day with some high clouds and 15 miles visibility.  (No, mike it isn't always like this...)  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 71.2° and the water was a delightful 68.5°.  Low tide was at 5:53am +0.9' and high tide ...

Throttlehold Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S tunning in clarity, capturing every detail and the very essence of the glide, this cover photo on the "Easy Reader" (August 9, 2012) caught our eye immediately.  Before we even picked it up, we thought, "This has to be a Mike McKinney!"  And of course it was.  We understand that he drove his power boat 25mph to match the speed of the pelican to get this award winning shot.  The only thing we could imagine being more spectacular is if he paddled his outrigger that fast to get the pic.  Understand, we would have believed it , it would have just been more spectacular... A little morning sickness on the brine this am.  Winds out of the SW at 5.1kts and there was definite bumpiness.  Visibility was +-10miles, under partly cloudy skies.  The air temperature was 68.2° and the water was 65.8°, a bit disappointing for August.  High tide was at 9:45am +4.5' and low tide will follow at 3:00pm +1.7'.  We have a SSW swell ou...

Wickiup Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t's like we're sitting on the beach after the concert in Hermosa last Sunday and the Professor says, "Hey, I just finished brewing some pineapple swipe last week and it's ready for a taste!"  So we said, "Okay..." and he popped the top and it just kinda went off.  Now, you're not supposed to have alcoholic beverages on the beach in Hermosa or fireworks, for that matter.  He threw the entire thing in the water and it burned for 10 seconds under water, before making this depth charge kinda muffled explosion and then sent a plume of fizzling water to the surface.  If we had imbibed, it might have been worse that eating white croaker...  Actually, it might have been a great way to catch white croaker, since we saw a number of the specie floating dazed on the surface... W indy, cooler and foggy this morning.  3 miles visibility and foggy billows passing through at the odd moment.  Winds were on early at 4.1kts and the sea surfa...

Move It On Over Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T hings were getting so much like summer that the Professor decided to remodel the backdoor to affect a more tropical atmosphere.  Actually, he had a bunch of bamboo left over from working on Scooter Boy, but that's another story... H EY!  What about this weather!  We've had like five days in a row of warm, sunny conditions, mimicking summers in some of the garden spots of the planet!  This morning we had cloudless skies and 12 miles visibility.  Winds were on shore at 3.6kts and the sea surface had a light short period chop.  More like little bumps.  The air temperature was a delightful 70.2° and the water was as good as it gets at 70.0°  by the pm it had gotten up to 71.1° and there was some nice body surfing in Hermosa at 19th St.  High tide was at 8:37am +3.7' and low tide will be at 1:05pm +2.6' for not much of a tidal differentiation.  We have a SSW swell out of 192° at 3.6'.  Since the swell direction ...

Overthrow Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hen that nesting instinct strikes there's not much you can do but appreciate it...  LoLa ran across this beauty in front of the Edison Company on our Wednesday night ride to dinner.  Looks like it must have been something on the big side, maybe a crow or an eagle... H azy sun on this lazy summer's day with about 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm to 3.1kts onshore and the sea surface was smooth to slightly rippled.  The air temp was a warm 71.2° and the water was an accommodating 68.7°.  Low tide was at 8:07am +2.5' and high tide followed at 3:26pm +4.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202° at 3.0' and if you got it early enough there were some rideable two footers and a larger outside at odd intervals...  Rumor has it that we should get a bit of bounce from hurricane Gilma, but like the northern disturbance in the gulf of Alaska, they still might be too close to shore to flow into our swell window...  just swell......

Triple Somersault With A Kip Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e have been sorely remiss in not introducing the newest member of the Professor's vehicle fleet.  The X-Terrible was beginning to be a tad long in the tooth, so using that as a jumping off point the Professor got something even older and longer in the tooth!  Namely, "Scooter Boy," a 1973 Volkswagen Bus/Kombi/Transporter.  He is currently re-doing the interior and rumor has it that it will soon be a rolling Tiki-Bar!  So, if you're still waving at that solar flare yellow X-Terra, you've got the wrong guy... A nother marvelous summer's day with 20 miles visibility under clear, cloudless skies.  Winds were offshore at 1.9kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was an accommodating 68.9° and the water was 66.7°.  Low tide was at 6:57am +1.4' and high tide was at 1:37pm +4.8'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 205° at 2.6' and that's translating to a 2.5' surf wrapping nicely into some of the loc...

Back From Myrtle Beach Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we have Danger Boy in his straw snap-brim contemplating a happy hour special.  He is due to return this evening, with, no doubt, some tales of his sojourn through the south Atlantic...  We stand ready...   Y ou could've mistaken the entire day for your basic summer's quotidian offering.  17 miles visibility under clear skies.  Winds were amazingly offshore at 23.7kts and the sea surface was smooth, verging on glassy.  The air temperature was 68.2° and we had 64.8° at the buoy but probably closer to 67° in the surfline.  Low tide was at 6:27am +0.9' and high tide will be at 12:57pm +4.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205° moving to the south as we speak at 2.6'.  The surf today was a solid 2' with some long but little lines.  Still fun... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

It's Already Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his is the van that Katie's company takes to beer festivals. It is a traveling draught system. I must apply for the drivers position Sully  (We understand that almost 1200 people have signed up for that position...  Ed.) 15 miles visibility this morning with clear skies at checkout.  Winds were lightly onshore at 2.1kts and the sea surface was smooth to lightly chopped.  The air temp was 61.2° and the water has dipped to 63.7°.  High tide is at 10:36am +4.8' and low tide will follow at 3:58pm +1.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207° registering a 2.6'.  On the beach we're calling it 1' and poor...  and remember, it's cold too! F riday!  Keegan's for a date with the Pheasant Pluckers!  We're gonna have dinner at 6pm and stay for the dancing...  They've done a remodel and the place has a new look... W e were getting dressed after a long session last week and we heard this commotion above us in the trees. ...