Overthrow Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

When that nesting instinct strikes there's not much you can do but appreciate it...  LoLa ran across this beauty in front of the Edison Company on our Wednesday night ride to dinner.  Looks like it must have been something on the big side, maybe a crow or an eagle...

Hazy sun on this lazy summer's day with about 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm to 3.1kts onshore and the sea surface was smooth to slightly rippled.  The air temp was a warm 71.2° and the water was an accommodating 68.7°.  Low tide was at 8:07am +2.5' and high tide followed at 3:26pm +4.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202° at 3.0' and if you got it early enough there were some rideable two footers and a larger outside at odd intervals...  Rumor has it that we should get a bit of bounce from hurricane Gilma, but like the northern disturbance in the gulf of Alaska, they still might be too close to shore to flow into our swell window...  just swell... 

Every once in a while Juan does something special at Brother's for the local yokels.  This morning it was this over-the-top, fried egg sandwich, with hot links, spinach, melted cheese and mayo on Kings Hawaiian sweetbread.  Delicious doesn't quite describe it...  Let's just say it considerably raised the bar on any breakfast sandwich we've ever had... ever...  Later when Danger Boy and the Professor went surfing having wiped out simultaneously, they met on the bottom and decided that next time they'd wait until after the surf session to have the sandwich...  Which reminds us:  Every Thursday we meet at Brother's at 0710 for our weekly salon and cracker-barrel session.  Typically, you can expect Donnie Souther, TC, Rasta Pete, Jimmy Thomas, Suzi Paine, Ivan, Juan and the Brother's crew, Danger Boy, the Professor, Celestina, Chuck and the usual Brother's lineup to drop on by...  Food is great, conversation is spirited and the coffee is hot...  Join us!
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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