Wickiup Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

It's like we're sitting on the beach after the concert in Hermosa last Sunday and the Professor says, "Hey, I just finished brewing some pineapple swipe last week and it's ready for a taste!"  So we said, "Okay..." and he popped the top and it just kinda went off.  Now, you're not supposed to have alcoholic beverages on the beach in Hermosa or fireworks, for that matter.  He threw the entire thing in the water and it burned for 10 seconds under water, before making this depth charge kinda muffled explosion and then sent a plume of fizzling water to the surface.  If we had imbibed, it might have been worse that eating white croaker...  Actually, it might have been a great way to catch white croaker, since we saw a number of the specie floating dazed on the surface...

Windy, cooler and foggy this morning.  3 miles visibility and foggy billows passing through at the odd moment.  Winds were on early at 4.1kts and the sea surface was bumpier than yesterday.  The air temperature was 67.0℉ and the water dropped 4℉ to 66.4℉.  High tide was at 9:22am +4.2' and low tide will be at 2:23pm +2.0'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 198° at 3.0' and we're calling it 2' to 3' and not quite deluxe...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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