Fraudulent Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

When the sun dips down into the lake it often does so with spectacular results!  Here it sends up a plum of steam as it signals the end of another remarkable El Salvadorian day!

Rain yesterday and blowing like an SOB today.  clear skies and unlimited visibility.  Winds started out light and by 10am were 15 - 18 kts.  Sea surface is chopping with large white-caps.  The air temp was a chilly 56.8° and the water was driven down by the wind to 62.8°.  High tide was at 5:33am +5.1' and low tide follows at 11:55am +1.3'.  The buoy shows a west swell out of 275° at 6.2'.  It's jumbled and rough and looking in the 5' to 7' range.  Contest mañana at Hermosa Pier, but it will hinge on whether or not this wind abates.  If it turns around... BINGO!  If not...  well..

(Danger Boy & Oscar on the SUP's)
Looks easier when you hold on to the bar like Danger Boy.  You may wanna tell Oscar.  
Big Daddy
(Danger Boy knows all of the tricks...   Ed.)

Muy estimado maestro,
Nice pix.  Oh, btw, they saw you. . . .  (referring to the crocodiles)

(We didn't think about them and whistled a happy tune.  Worked this time...  Ed.)

Photo #2 features Oscar coming back from his maiden voyage.  Even though he looks like, "So what?"  He actually thought it was pretty cool...

El Salvadorian folks are pretty polite and when they found out we called Doug, "Danger Boy" they struggled with what might be the most appropriate form of address.  A couple of folks tried the logical and local "Peligroso" or even "Muchacho Peligroso", but our faves were the folks who wanted to be familiar and opted for the straightforward and compact "Danger."  Such as:  "Danger, how was the surf today?" or "Would you like another Pilsener, Danger?"  Waxing formal they might refer to him as "Mr. Danger."  
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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