Some Beach Somewhere Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

From Tyrone James...
Hi Frank,
Check out this picture Luke sent me from Espinho, Portugal.  He's been visiting Marco and surfing around Porto.  Luke is in love with Portugal.  He tells me that he could easily live there!  With waves like that, who couldn't!  
(We can't think of anyone...  even the water wasn't that cold last time we were there!   Ed.)

It's STILL flat, however, we shall persist.  Trying to rain under cloudy skies and 7.5 miles visibility.  Winds were slightly offshore by 1.9 kts and the sea surface was anywhere from glassy to smooth to pool table.  The air temp and the water temp were 59.7° and that's the first time, in a long time that that has happened.  High tide will be at 10:01am +6.7' and low tide will follow at 5:21pm -1.0'.  The buoy is reading a SW swell out of 227° at 1.6'.  Take all those factors and parse them out and it equals, flat.

Note:  We will be in the great frozen north for the Thanksgiving holiday, so the report will be sporadic, inaccurate and often confused about certain facts.  Like how it actually looks.  In other words, it will pretty much be the same.  Okay, sorry to bother you with this note...   Ed.

PS.  Have a happy Thanksgiving!
 "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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