Terry Cloth Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, here it is the 22nd of October and our almanac tells us that it's both Genevieve Carlisle's and Boomfwappa's birthdays!  Well, happy birthday to them!  We managed to get this beach themed photo of Genevieve, sporting what was then a rather risque suit.  Turns out, that this two piece is older than Boomfwappa...

Overcast this morning breaking into hazy sun with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SW(234˚) by 2kts and the sea surface was lightly ruffled.  The air temperature was 60.9˚ and the water was 65.8˚.  High tide was at 11:11am +5.6' and low tide will be at 6:28pm +0.4'.  We have a weak SW swell out of 243˚ at 2.0' and it's 1' and poor again.  It's supposed to get better tomorrow...  Jimmy Thomas said...

From Capt. Donnie in Puerto Escondido (re: hurricane Raymond)...
Frank:  Yes the storm is about 300 miles up the coast and we got rain and a great lightning show.  The surf has been big and somewhat mixed up.  A nasty wind swell.  the point has been fun but a little crowded in the late morning.  The storm is suposed to move offshore tomorrow and that will help the surf clean up we hope.  Still hot and sunny with warm water.  Comming home Fri. night but leaving Mon. morning for Hawaii.  See you guys around the middle of Nov.  Happy surfing, Adios, Donaldo 

And to help with your personal quest to better yourself we have...
The first installment of "5 Things the Most Successful People Do Before 8 in the Morning"
1.   Exercise. Most people that work out daily, work out in the morning. Whether it's a morning yoga session or a trip to the gym, exercising before work gives you a boost of energy for the day and that deserved sense of accomplishment. Anyone can tackle a pile of paperwork after 200 ab reps! Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of flaking out on your cardio after a long day at work. Even if you aren't bright eyed and bushy tailed at the thought of a 5 am jog, try waking up 15 minutes early for a quick bedside set of pushups or stretching. It'll help wake up your body, and prep you for your day.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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