Fat Water Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We mentioned the brewery yesterday, so we thought we'd show their wares.  If you notice the table in the background, they have their own private keg/decanter.  It sits proudly on your tabletop begging to be emptied.  There's a combo playing smooth salsa at the end of the hall, the beer is cold and there's all the cacahuates (Spanish peanuts), you can eat.  Pretty sweet way to burn off a hot afternoon...

Partly cloudy skies this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were strong offshore by 6.8kts and the sea surface had a definite roll.  The air temperature was 56.5˚  and at the buoy we read a 56.3˚ (63˚ posted at the Hermosa Pier.)  Low tide at 11:04am +0.9' and high tide will follow late at 6:12pm +4.0'.  We have a strong west wind swell out of 268˚ at 6.2' and it's 4' to 7' at most spots.  We saw a couple of 10' faces this morning at Hermosa, so if you think you might want a good push, head down!

This is our buddy Miguel Farrah swapping stories with the Professor.  He was our guide around Havana and kept us entertained, well-fed and hydrated (like here at the brewery.)  He's great a great historian and can spin a yarn about all the haps from colonial times to the present.  He let us speak our Spanglish to him and he spoke whatever the opposite of Spanglish is.  It worked remarkably well, even for relatively complex discussions...  
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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