Work On Your Theology Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Religion.  It's given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.  John Stewart

Here we have E.T.'s Pat Ryan, with his most iconic shape, the Kingfish.  He was giving Boris some tips on the fin set-up and characteristics of the "Exotic Dragster Bottom."

Cloudy this morning with some odd raindrops falling on the parade.  7 miles visibility.  If you needed to see something 8 miles away you were out of luck.  Winds were on by 5.9kts early and then laid back mid-morning leaving a bit of slack and less chop.  The air temp was 65.5˚ and the water was 66.7˚ and coupled with the wind, left most folks in long rubber.  Low tide was at 10:03am +1.2' and high tide was late at 4:55pm +5.5'.  We had a SSW swell out of 206˚ at 3.6' and it was a critical 3' to 4' and dumped as the tide dropped.  Check it out mañana.  If the wind takes a break it could be good...

Guess who was in town?  None other than Brother's former employee Lance "Lanchito" Rutledge.  Looking good and in fine form, he talked story with the boys for a couple of hours, which ended up being far too short.  He's down south until later in the month and we're trying to convince him to come up and join us for the pig roast.  He said to say "Hi" to all his buds...

Speaking of PIG ROAST it's taking place with the usual suspects in the usual place.  Saturday, July 18th 5pm.  Lots of food, conversation, music, drink and hoomalimali.  Don't miss it!

Rasta Pete, sent us this photo to keep us from getting a good night's sleep.  Like, it's not enough that this wave is beyond critical, you have to throw a hundred foot shark into the mix...  Depending on how this wave shapes up, you might have a better chance with the man in gray...

Happy hour, Friday night at Samba at 5:30pm on the patio...  Ride your bike, vintage car or SUP...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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