Special Danger Boy Saturday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A few more memories of the Danger Boy...

1.  Can't remember if he got stitches in this one or not, but when we got home we decided that we needed some tequila to settle our nerves.  Actually, no one was nervous.  It just seemed like a good thing to do considering the circumstances...

2.  High in the White Mountains checking out the Bristle Cone Pines, some of the oldest living things on earth.  This was part of the trip up the Owen's Valley and into the back country.  The gentlemen doffing their Stetsons for the camera.  Danger Boy was arguably in his finest form.  This was his environment.  Off the road, pretty much out of touch and in the middle of nowhere.

3.  Danger Girl driving the Zamboni on her birthday, courtesy of her loving husband.  Danger Boy was a Kings fan starting in the purple and gold years.  He couldn't believe that the players would just walk into Brother's and start talking to him.  Summer before last the Kings facility in El Segundo was being renovated and they were working out at the YARD in Hermosa.  Now that Rob Blake was GM and was a regular at Brother's, they made a deal where the team came in every morning and had breakfast.  He got most of their autographs and when they won the Stanley Cup he was there for the parade(s)...

4.  DB, Marco,Tio Ted and Capitán Donaldo hanging out at Brother's.  (Brekkies too numerous to count and the world's best reality show - daily!)  From Portugal Marco sent condolences.  Danger Boy was popular wherever he traveled and travelers were always entertained by his good will...  Once in El Salvador it was his birthday and this local, who had been a chef in an Italian restaurant in New York asked him what kind of Italian food was his favorite.  DB said, "Lasagna!"  The next day for dinner they had a party and the chef brought two HUGE pans of the best lasagna anyone had ever eaten!  Folks came from all over and even the Guatemalans that we had visited showed up, guns and machetes included...

5.  The Hula Vigilantes, featuring the Paine Family Singers.  (Chameaux, Gidget, Savannah-Banana, the Professor and Little Warren)  The Ball family did us a great honor to let us show our respects for Danger Boy.

6.  Slowly riding into the sunset...  DANGER BOY AWAAAY!
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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