Tonapah Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

1.  Danger Girl and DB in a snuggle.  Looks like Happy hour is a theme, so we'll go with it...

2.  After a long day on Lake Guija in El Salvador, Danger Boy and the Professor engaged in some hoomalimali with ukuleles, William Lawson's and insect repellent.  (L to R:  The Professor, Danger Boy, Meme, Ché and Béto.)

A cold one this morning, with winds blowing out of the east by 7.7kts and not a cloud in the sky.  A light offshore ripple on mostly smooth water bringing the air temperature down to 39º at 6am and not in a hurry to warm up all morning.  The water was 63.7º and seemed relatively warm in light of the air.  High tide was at 10:55am +5.4' and low tide is late at 6:15pm -0.2' for some after work dredgers.  We had a west swell out of 278º at 6.6' and it was a solid 4' to 5' on a diminishing swell. 

3.  While in Guatemala at Natan's Resort, Danger Boy & company took the happy hour concept to new lengths.  Getting in-country shortly after 1pm, we began eating and drinking immediately and when we got up from the table it was almost dark for the boat ride back home.  Although nicknames are common in Central America, "Danger Boy" always seemed to skew things a bit.  They would refer to him as "Señor Danger" or just "Danger" like it was a legit first name.  Someone asked once if he preferred "Danger" or "Boy?"

4.  Closer to home Samba is always a great place to put a period on the end of the week.  On this summer evening it was Carol Covelli, Paver, Diane Cole, DB (holding court), LoLa, Danger Girl, Edrina and Sandy. 

5.  For Danger Boy's retirement there couldn't be a better place than over the ocean.  It was Kincaid's and the Boy was properly martinized and leied.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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