Double Forged Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I n a country that is absolutely nuts about their guns, we've come to the conclusion that we might just have to join ranks with the armed citizenry. Look, there have been pea shooters for ages, salad shooters for those armed vegans and potato guns for all those young spuds looking to put out someone's eye. So, we decided that the only reasonable thing to do was adapt the arsenal to fit the environment. In our case that would be a SuperSoaker®, a muscly version of the squirt gun (which, by the way has it's place in close hand-to-hand exchanges) that can shoot up to 30' depending on how strong you are and prevailing winds. In photo #1 the Professor takes a shot at JP on the pier, soaking his Nikes and chasing away a fisherman. In photo #2, he blasts Morgan Sliff when she tried to sneak up on him from behind... No one took off in front of him all morning long... S urf was starting to rise as dawn broke this morning. 10 miles v...