
Showing posts from February, 2016

Don't Thwart A Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   L ook at those fish fresh on the barby!   And how did they get there?  Well, M. Murf and Finley did an excellent job of spearing some of the slower species hanging around the reef.  Speaking of hanging around, here we have a pic of M. Murf floating purposely over said reef, waiting for an opportunity to puncture a parrot fish.  After all these years of diving around them, we never knew they were so delicious...  Now we know... H igh clouds with 20+ miles visibility this morning.  Winds were offshore from the NE at 3.6kts and the sea surface was calm.  The air temperature was 60.3 and the water is 60.8.  High tide was at 10:20am +4.6' and low tide will follow at 4:38pm +0.4'.  We have a building swell out of 265 west at 5.6' and by the time you read this it will be 7' or 8'.  The swell is very selective, so Sapphire is almost flat, while Indicator is 15' plus.  Hermosa has block long slabs and the Cove lo...

South Of Keywest Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we have LoLa engaged in just about as much action as she can handle at the moment.  Okay, to be fair, she had run the west coast of the island in the a.m., climbed a coconut tree for a few coconuts (and milked them) and then dove for about an hour on the reef about 100yds to the south...  We got winded taking the picture... 20+ miles visibility this morning under high clouds and unseasonably high midday temps.  Winds were offshore at 8.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 60.3º and the water is 60.4º.  High tide was at 9:47am +5.1' and low tide will be at 4:13pm +0.1'.  This morning we had a west swell out of 264º at 2.6' and it was 3' on a high tide float.  But it's been building during the day and it's currently 5.9' and continuing to build...   Costa beat Redondo this morning in an initially closely contested meet.  But their depth is impressive and at their home break, they proved...

Trinidad & Tobago Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y eah, we're back and just in time to catch the maiden voyage of "Natasha."  Always THE rockstar Jetski surfed the silver bullet like he'd been riding her for years.  Some steep drops and sweet turns, he was rippin'. B eautiful morning!  Offshores blowing at about 6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  Visibility was 15 miles under high gauzy clouds.  The air temperature was 60.9º and the water was 60.4º.  High tide was at 9:14am +5.4' and low tide will be at 3:48pm -0.3'.  We have a west swell out of 264º at 2.6' and it was focusing better than that at 3' to 4' on the outside... V iew from the front of the surf shack, Bathsheba, west-side Barbados.  Appropriately called "Rest Haven" our host Fitz treated us like visiting royalty.  Mike Murphy scored some great digs for this trip! D iving, swimming and exploring some of the cave formations along the west coast LoLa and Finley check'em out...  ✠ "When the ...

Is There A Thaumaturge In The House Thursday Surf & Culture Report?

Lost Boys & Co...   A small bit of sunrise magic as the Professor and Jetski saunter into the blue...  There's something about touching the earth and the sea without shoes and just being connected to the whole planet...  We highly recommend it... N o clouds and 20+ miles visibility as we're looking for it to steam into the 80's.  Winds were offshore by 3.3kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 66.3º and the water is 59.5º.  High tide was at 10:46am +5.5' and low tide will follow at 5:17pm -0.3'.  We have a WSW swell out of 252º at 3.0' on a rising swell.  It was 3' to 4' and might be a little bigger mañana...  Stay tuned... H ere we have Boris "Jetski" Vishnevsky in his role as "style master."  Channeling a combination of Micky Dora and Lance Carson here he does a hands down-shoulders forward-glide.  The Superman curl is optional, but it's a mandatory option... S pray, hair and zipper leash flying, Ji...

Telephoto Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... "L ady's and gentlemen, allow us to present the 2016 class of Junior Birdmen..."  ( All photos:  Robin Fenlon, World Class Photos ) B right, blue and wonderful this morning with 20+ miles visibility and an almost cloudless sky.  Offshore Santana winds at 7.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature is 66.3º headed for a reported mid-eighties and the water is 59.4º.  High tide will be at 9:14am +6.2' and low tide will be at 4:01pm -1.1'.  We have a west swell out of  265º at 2.3' and it was bumping to 3'+ on the rising tide...  Fun, but some lulls... J etski hasn't been surfing for a year yet and he's already scoring on style points! (#2)  The waves would roll in, jack and then get twice their size until they hit the shorebreak at which point they would get three-times their size.  If you didn't kick out at the propitious moment, you got rolled until you looked like a crumb doughnut...  In #3 he c...

Get Your Motor Runnin' Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P ut a new Radiator in this bad boy and you're good for another 150,000! C loudless skies this morning and 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were off at 7.0kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was an amazing 60º at checkout and the3 water was 58.6º and rapidly rising in the sun.  High tide was at 8:33am +6.3' and low tide will be at 3:26pm -1.2'.  We have a WSW swell out of 248º at 2.6' and it's 3' and high tide bumped early in the am.  Probably going to stay offshore most of the day, so wait for the tide to drop... C ongrats to the Broncos!  Someone said, "If you put a panther and a bronco in a pen and let them fight it out, the bronco will win."  So, okay, but we didn't know that was the way to bet... A couple of images from the Professor's "Palms" series.  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Full Of Wonderment Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y esterday, February 2, was El Dia del Candalaria.  You, of course, thought it was merely Groundhog Day... nay, nay.  You might recall that on January 2nd we partook of the ceremonial "Rosca de los Reyes," which is a Mexican sweet bread (not "sweetbread".)  Baked into the sweet bread are 3 plastic Baby Jesus figurines.  Part of the miracle must be that they don't melt while the bread is baking.  When served, whoever gets the Baby Jesus in their piece of bread has to throw a party on February 2.  So this year the three lucky winners were Clarkey, the Professor and Greener (photo #1).  Throwing the party is the easy part.  You also have to dress or display your Baby Jesus in appropriate raiment. 20+ miles visibility under cloudless skies.  Winds were offshore by 5.1kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a freeze butt 41.6º (Fahrenheit freezing is 32º, Celsius is 0º and Freeze Butt is anything below 50ºf) an...

Groundhog Day Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G ood morning sports fans.  We have it on good authority, from Punxatawney Phil himself that there will be an early spring.  Phil has been notoriously wrong in the past so we're not stashing our warmies just yet, but we like the sentiment... M ostly sunny with a few persistent high clouds marring the otherwise perfect blue.  Winds are offshore by 5.5kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature is a beyond-brisk 42.3º and the water is 58.6º trying to recover from the wind.  Low tide is late at 11:54am +0.9' and high tide will be at 6:19pm +2.9'.  We have a west swell out of 271º at 3.9' and it was 3' to 4' with some outsiders touching your delicate earlobes... C ouple of Anthony Renna images that we grabbed from "InstaGram."  Amazing the difference between black & white and color under basically the same lighting conditions.  We're ready to invest in Anthony Renna Photography stock...  ✠ "When the surf brea...

Marmot Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... J ust figuring if they can have "Groundhog Day" we can have "Marmot Monday..." W e're assuming, rightly or wrongly, that if you're reading this you weren't blown away in the wind, had your computer fried in a surge or got hit by a palm frond going mach 3...  Like all good crazies we decided to take a walk in the midst of the "wind event."  It was blowing 40kts and gusting to almost 60.  Some of the swells were big enough to cover the light at the end of the breakwall.  But while everyone was being amazed by the flying spray, we were watching the right off the end of the rocks!  YOU could surf that!  Not us, but you... S till some residual wind this morning blowing away the clouds and giving us some spectacular vistas.  Winds were out of the NW from 12 to 16ts and the sea surface was chopped and blown down.  The air temperature at checkout was 48.3º and the water was 58.6º.  Low tide was at 10:57am +1.5' and high tide w...