Telephoto Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

"Lady's and gentlemen, allow us to present the 2016 class of Junior Birdmen..."  (All photos:  Robin Fenlon, World Class Photos)

Bright, blue and wonderful this morning with 20+ miles visibility and an almost cloudless sky.  Offshore Santana winds at 7.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature is 66.3º headed for a reported mid-eighties and the water is 59.4º.  High tide will be at 9:14am +6.2' and low tide will be at 4:01pm -1.1'.  We have a west swell out of  265º at 2.3' and it was bumping to 3'+ on the rising tide...  Fun, but some lulls...

Jetski hasn't been surfing for a year yet and he's already scoring on style points! (#2)  The waves would roll in, jack and then get twice their size until they hit the shorebreak at which point they would get three-times their size.  If you didn't kick out at the propitious moment, you got rolled until you looked like a crumb doughnut...  In #3 he channels Nureyev in a stellar pas de deux (with surfboard)...  before being rolled like a crumb doughnut...

Heading for the pier, Mumbles Barnes, looking stylish in her own right...  (We mentioned all photos were by Robin Fenlon.  How lucky can you get to have one of the most sought after photogs in the world shooting you from the beach!  Yeah, we were stoked...)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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