Marmot Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Just figuring if they can have "Groundhog Day" we can have "Marmot Monday..."

We're assuming, rightly or wrongly, that if you're reading this you weren't blown away in the wind, had your computer fried in a surge or got hit by a palm frond going mach 3...  Like all good crazies we decided to take a walk in the midst of the "wind event."  It was blowing 40kts and gusting to almost 60.  Some of the swells were big enough to cover the light at the end of the breakwall.  But while everyone was being amazed by the flying spray, we were watching the right off the end of the rocks!  YOU could surf that!  Not us, but you...

Still some residual wind this morning blowing away the clouds and giving us some spectacular vistas.  Winds were out of the NW from 12 to 16ts and the sea surface was chopped and blown down.  The air temperature at checkout was 48.3º and the water was 58.6º.  Low tide was at 10:57am +1.5' and high tide was at 4:56pm +2.7'.  We have a west swell out of 261º at 11.5' and it's diminishing to merely 10' to 12'...  The next couple of days could have some good ones!

As we walked around the corner of the RB Pier we watched as the swells swung wide around the north side and broke before they got to the sea wall that protects the International Boardwalk.  This wave (photo #2) was about 10' with a 15' face.  You could've ridden it IF you could kick out before it broke back into the pier or hit the sea wall.  It looked insanely doable, but you had to be...  well...  insane.

Finally, we got this back-lit shot of the pier with the waves scraping the bottom.  They were breaking about 5 seconds before they got to the pilings, so when you were standing on the pier they looked like they just might make it to the top.  They wind was blowing so hard those metal sail decorations they have were whistling like a semi in the fast lane.  About five minutes after this shot was taken they closed the pier!
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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