Cheek To Jowl Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Nothing like Cash...

Looks like we had to wait until fall to have summer begin, nice and warm out there with 15 miles visibility under hazy sun.  No wind and glassy conditions.  It was 73.5º at 7:00am and it just kept getting hotter.  The water is 69.6 at the buoy and warmer on the beach.  High tide was at 9:13am +5.4' and low tide will follow at 3:12pm +0.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 198º at 2.6' and it's not that big and it's swishing about on the sand...

So we wander into Trader Joe's in the Village and we see this guy massaging the strawberries.  He's got these gray polyester slacks on that have a split up the ass.  But because he's probably headed to WalMart, he put a piece of duct tape (in approximately the same shade of gray) over the rip.  Of course duct tape and polyester don't hold.  LoLa suggested that this would be a good photo, so we whipped out our phone and took this snap.  Much to our amusement it turned out to be none other than Roger Bacon...  Like these things happen, we ended up at the cash register in front of Rog.  The Professor had a Fiesta Hermosa tee shirt on and Roger pointed at it and said, "Hermosa's closed!  It won't be open until the 1st!"  The Professor looked at him incredulously and said, "Well it was open when I went surfing there this morning."  Well, that's all it took for him to take off on this rant at full volume:  "Whaddyameanit'sopen.Whodoyouthinkyouare?I'mamillionaire.IownmostofHermosaANDRedondo.I'llbetyouIcando100one-armedpushupsand YOUCAN"TDOONE!!Whatareyousayin'..."  The Professor took a step back and said, "Roger, you're stressin' a bit here.  If I were you I'd calm down before you have some kind of attack."  He stomped off doing the Roger Bacon mumble and the poor clerk couldn't apologize enough.  LoLa looked at the Professor and said, "You really comported yourself quite well, not exacerbating the situation!  I did think for a moment you were going to say..."  The Professor turned and said, "I know what you thought I was going to say!  You thought I was going to say, "For a millionaire you ought to be able to afford a pair of f-ing pants!""  Yeah, that's the story...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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