New Moon Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, there were some pretty awesome waves ridden over the last week, but one of the most gnarly was this right-hander that Kyle Beatty skipped into on Tuesday.  We say skipped, because about halfway down he got some air, reconnected then got pitted until it blew him off his ride.  We asked him how that went.  "I went into a full fetal position and hit the sand, but not on anything that mattered (like his neck).  Then I got rag-dolled for the longest time.  When I came up I was rattled, but I paddled back out because it was the last wave of the set and I had an opening."  He was out there with brother Connor, Alex Gray, Scotty Bredesen and Trevor LaShure.  Pretty heavy company we'd say...

Clear, cold skies and 15 miles visibility this morning.  Winds were off early by 5.5kts and the sea surface was smooth until about 10am when it turned on.  The sea surface was smooth.  Cool temps all around with the air 44.4 and the water at 58.3.  High tide was at 8:19am +6.0' and low tide will follow at 3:23pm -0.9'.  We have a west swell out of 264º at 4.3' and it was 4' to 5' with some fatties on the outside...

Kolby Holdsworth, suggested in recent posts to Instagram that one should patch clothing and use it until it's really worn out to prevent filling landfills.  We took this to heart about 40 years ago and still have this embroidered pair of work jeans to prove it...

Remember Happy Hour tonight at the Shade Hotel next to the Redondo Cheesecake Factory at 5:30pm.  Dress warmly...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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