Finally TWO Years Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our woman of the hour Jah Morgan talks her bf KimberlySuds into this nice little roller just under the pier (#1).  Kimmy hasn't been surfing too long and got some nice ones to celebrate Jah's second year in a row of surfing everyday! 

So, the old saw is that "practice makes perfect."  We're thinking that there's something to that as Morgan gets a casual little ten (#2).  They say that it takes 10,000 hours to really get proficient at something.  Obviously Jah is putting in her time...

Hazy sun this morning and 12 miles visibility.  Winds were light and variable to 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 68.9 and the water is 71.8 and warmer in the surfline.  High tide was at 9:07am +4.2' and low tide will follow at 2:00pm +1.7'.  We have a 3.6' swell out of a steep 202º SSW.  It was a fun 3' with some longer lefts and bumped little rights...

Is this any way to treat the guest of honor?  Apparently, José thought so as he dowsed the Jah with some champagne.  In characteristic style she head-dipped through the foam and emerged barely wet on the other side...

Happy hour tonight at 5:30pm at Waterman's Surfer's Safe House.  Next to the Lighthouse on the Pier Plaza, join up for food, drink and stimulating conversation...

Celebrity sightings were numerous as news of Morgan's accomplishment spread up and down the beach.  She is shown here with Jetsky and Natasha.  If you look closely and you can see a bullet hole in Natasha's bottom.  Jetsky said that he wasn't at liberty to discuss the matter because of pending litigation...  A bit unnerved by the bullet hole, we'd heard there'd been a stabbing...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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