Tie The Knot Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, it happens that Mr. Christian was bearing down hard on Capt. Bacallao, with a dead-eye on his paddle.  As he got in range he snagged the sweeper (#1) and flipped the SUP'er arse over teakettle (#2).  A defter maneuver hadn't been seen in these waters in years...

Hazy sun and 5 miles visibility.  Winds light out of the SW by 1.5kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature is 68.6 and the water is 70.3.  Low tide early at 5:41am -0.4' and high tide is at 12:14pm +4.0'.  We have a south swell out of 185º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 1' and poor to fair...

Miss Suzi skimming along the inside (#3) doing her best to avoid the carnage in the surfline...

In photo #4 we have Mr. Christian doing a late takeoff on this custom 6'8" piece of pizza.  Finless, with pepperoni, mushrooms and cheese, it's great for a few slides and then gets too soggy to eat.  Serves 50 hungry surfers or 1 hungry Italian shark...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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