Too Close To Call Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We had a couple of entries into the caption contest of that Nazaré shorebreak explosion.
From Boomfwappa:
1: Any body see a blue swim fin??                         
2: I gotta PEE!!
From Big Daddy:
Professor, that thar is what ya call a thawed avalanche!!!

Cloudy this morning and we discovered that you have to walk all the way on the pier to the berm before you can see the surf.  That's gotta be another 25 or thirty feet farther than our typical spot!  Outrageous!  10 miles visibility and it's supposed to sprinkle tomorrow.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was 56.5 and the water is 64.8.  High tide was at 7:31am +6.0' and low tide will follow at 2:13pm +-0.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.0'.  That translates to 1' and poor and it's not looking promising for at least a couple of days...

Tomorrow morning will be Redondo High's first dual competition against Peninsula.  Action starts at 6:30am south of the Hermosa Pier.  This season could be closely contested for all the South Bay teams so take a minute to watch some great prep surfing...

Meanwhile the search continues for this man pictured on this milk carton (#1).

Another shot (#2) from Anthony Renna's unique point of view.  This one features Trevor Anderson shooting back.  When everyone has a camera you can open-carry and shoot to your hearts desire... 

We've had a number of rather crisp mornings lately.  This young man (#3) takes advantage of the temperature and atmospheric pressure differential.  Job well done...
Finally, we remind you that happy hour will be at Patrick Malloy's Friday evening at 5:30pm on the patio.  Dress accordingly...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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