Twice The Moustache Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

There are probably a lot of reasons to go see "Murder on the Orient Express" but as far as we're concerned it was worth the price of admission just to see Hercule Poirot's mustaches (#'s 1 & 2.)  Amazing!  Fabulous!  Bitchin'!  He even had a facial mask to protect them while he slept!  We strained to see if they were pasted on during the close-ups, but for all it's worth they look like Branagh grew them for the part...  Okay, we should'a paid better attention - we're not even sure who the murderer was...

A beautiful fall morning here in LaLa Land!  10 miles visibility and only a few laggardly clouds.  The air was a chilly 51.5 and the water was comparatively warm at 64.8.  High tide was at 6:34am +5.7' and low tide will be at 12:58pm +0.7'.  We have a 2.6' SSW swell out of 200º true.  It was 2' to 3' and some pretty fun little growlers.  Capitan Donaldo, Morgan and the Professor we're catching some of the bigger bumps...

You know how your wetsuit's liquid seams start to crack, then pinch your delicate skin?  Well, the Professor has been working on a remedy and here it is.  He took narrow pieces of chamois and glued them over the seams.  Voila!  No more pinched naughty bits!

Anthony Renna must've been right down the beach from us, since this looks a lot like the view (#4) we had!

Happy hour this week will be at Patrick Malloy's🍀.  We are happy to say that Patrick Malloy himself offered us the invitation.  5:30pm and let's try to be on our best behavior...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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