Winter Solstice Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here we have (#1) Morganeezer Scrooge checking out the surf this morning...  Wait...

If you felt a perturbation in the force this morning around 8:28am that's because that was the moment of the Winter Solstice.  So if you needed any further convincing, it's officially winter...

20+ miles visibility on this uber clear morning in the So. Bay.  Wind blew like crazy last night with gusts up to 30kts.  It's currently from the north at 5kts and there's some residual bump.  The air was a downright cold 41.9 and the ocean withstood the blast and is still in the 61.5 range.  High tide is at 9:59am +5.4' and low tide follows at 5:24pm -0.1'.  We have an oblique NNE swell from 13º at 4.6' and it's a bumped 2' and almost looks rideable...

Okay, this looks a little better (#2)...

A couple more gifts under a hundred semolions...

Surf Leash ($23.95 – $30.95)

Every surfer needs a leash, or two. At least one for each board is the minimum. What a lot of surfers don't have is a backup leash. If the surf is good, and the surf shop is closed, your leash can break, and you'll find yourself scrambling to search for an old leash or a buddy to borrow one from. Get them a new leash as a backup and they'll be stoked. From Channel Islands, FCS, and Hotline we have an assortment of surf leashes for every surfer.

Booties ($19.95 – $88.95)

The water isn't always cold enough to need booties, but if it is, they are a priceless piece of surf gear. Your feet are in the water more than any other part of your body, and therefore they get the coldest. Even if you don't mind the icy chill and slow oncoming numbness, by the time you can't feel your feet, the sessions over. It's like surfing on stilts. Check out or Top 5 Surf Booties for a quick overview of our best-selling surf boots.

Then there's this nice little wall standing up so's that you take notice...  Kinda makes you feel like punching through the bottom and coming out on the other side to a brisk shower from that offshore spray...  (photo credit:  Anthony Renna)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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