
Showing posts from March, 2018

Not-For-Profit Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... L ooking like "Hermosa Beach 1932" we purposely took this morning's grayness (#1) and used it to make a statement about the weather... O vercast this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were soft out of the south by 2.2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 53.3 and the water is 57.9.  High tide was at 8:30am +5.7' and low tide will follow at 3:01pm -0.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 209º at 2.0' and it was half of that on a high tide morning... #2 "Balls"  Why Balls?  Orbs was taken... T he Capitán signalling for a turn... (#3) I n #4 LoLa appears to be sending Jetski to the showers...  Actually she's sending him home!  Yes, our time in Nicaragua was coming to an end and it was time to pack up and head for...  El Salvador!  So hang on and we'll make our way to Roca Sunzal and a bit of Tunco action... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

Ugly American Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T he Professor (#1) getting ready to rotate on this ear tickling left at Miramar...  On this afternoon he and Don Congrejo met this guy on the beach and he said, "Hey you guys look thirsty.  When you get out of the water come by my place and have a beer!"  We watched him disappear into this cool walled compound that had stairs all the way up the cliff.  Not wanting to be ugly Americans or bad guests, when we got out of the water we walked over to the stairs and ascended into this great little patio above the point.  Turned out he and his guests had worked with Suzi in New York and they knew a bunch of the same folks.  Talk about small world!  He wouldn't let us pay for any of the beers and the hospitality was deluxe!  S peaking of "Ugly Americans" we realized we didn't know the genesis of that phrase.  Louis Menand helped us out in his article "Made in Vietnam" in the February 26 issue of the New Yorker Magazine....

Tuesday Shmoos-day Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... M emories of the 60's flitted through our brains as we joined the "March For Our Lives" at the Manhattan Pier.  An amazingly large group of protesters, probably several thousand, that at one point stretched from pier to shining pier (#1), marched in solidarity against gun violence.  We were especially proud of the young people we encountered who enthusiastically supported this cause.  We've often said that the young people we've coached and had the pleasure of knowing are some of the brightest and most capable human beings we've ever met.  If they're for it, so are we...  C apitán Donaldo Congrejo Ret., (#2) flashing his winning smile and aiming for the camera...  Clear this morning, looking like a balmy spring day, except for the fact that it was 47.3º and the water is 56.3.  Winds were light offshore before turning on at 9:30, making for a rather narrow window.  While it lasted the sea surface was smooth, then turned...

Re: Frank Paine      

Y'all It's Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... #1   You know how your friend tells you, "I'm going down to Nicaragua and the people there need clothes, so if you have some stuff that's in good shape that you want to get rid of, please get it to me so I can take it down there."  Well, despite all the good intentions, don't send your "BITE ME" t-shirt, because some hapless Nicaraguan (like the lady pictured) will wear it...  Also, unfortunately, don't send any cool stuff for the kids, like surfboards, because their parents will take them and sell them.  The surfboards, usually not the kids...  You have to send the good stuff to surf schools or someone who's watching over this... S ome of the cool shots that we've been posting were taken from this second story perch at the La Barra compound (#2).  When Jetski got urchin-punctured and took a day off, he busied himself taking some of the cool shots that we've been posting...  C lear cold skies this morning with 20+ ...

Thuddenly It's Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... " S o here we are, in the Tijuana jail  ain't got nobody to throw our bail.." (#1) A ctually, it's the dungeon in the Cathedral of Léon.  An architectural blunder they ended up putting the dungeon on the third floor.  Unclear as to why Jetski found himself incarcerated, we liberated him using a pair of RayBan™ sunglasses to bend the light and cut through the bicycle lock they used on the gate...  R ain, rain, rain...  pretty moderate actually, but it's supposed to get rainier and windier as the day progresses.  Winds are out of the SE by 2.8kts and the sea surface is bumped.  The air temp is 58.3 and the water is 59.2.  Low tide is at 7:48am +0.4' and high tide follows at 2:06pm +3.1'.  We have a west swell out of 270º at 3.6' and it's 3' to 4' in the line-up.  If you don't mind the rain and the side-shore wind, chances are you can find something that will make you smile... I n #2 we find the Professor cruisi...

Let's Get On With Spring Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... C ome on you guys!  You know the rules "NO MASCOTAS!"  How many times do we have to tell you? S ince you are facing south when you look out to sea in El Salvador the sun rises to the left (#2) and sets on the right (#3).  We cannot accurately describe what this does to your sense of direction, balance and propriety...  Gave us the fantods... C loudy this morning and looked like the rain could start any time, but it didn't.  Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was smooth.The air temperature was 54.9, but the offshores and cloudy skies made it seem chillier.  The water was 59.5.  Low tide was at 6:41am +0.4' and high tide will be just in time for lunch at 12:49pm +3.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 212º at 2' and it was just that and a bit bigger.  We almost didn't go out until Kawika Ching started suiting up.  "Where you going?" we asked.  "Hey, there are some little ones and I'm thinking I'll ju...

Does Anyone Stop At Stop Signs Anymore Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... Oh, yeah...  Doesn't anyone stop at stop signs anymore?  And if not why should we?  And ESPECIALLY today on the vernal equinox! Because we have a lot of pics we'll go for 5 this morning...  #1 features one of our favorite subjects, Capitán Donaldo, coming very close to our photographer Jerrson.  Not quite framed perfectly, but the feeling of the moment and movement is certainly there.  Check out the bits of flying foam, the crenelated wake and the Capitán's evil smirk... 10 miles visibility under cloudy, but not threatening skies.  Winds were calm and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature was a considerably warmer 54.5 this morning and 58.8 in the water.  Low tide was at 5:49am +0.3' and high tide will be at 11:53am +4.2'.  We have a SW swell out of 234º at 1.6' and it's 1' to almost 2' with rain almost certainly on the way for the next few days... In photo#2 we have the crew attempting to pose for ...

March As Usual Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I n #1 we have Suzi dropping deep to swing around on this left hander at Chicken Skins...  Contrary to general wisdom she was also going right on some of the outsides.  The Professor decided this looked like a definite possibility and spent some time plucking urchins out of his foots when he was just a smidgen too slow... T he weather has been a bit uncertain, like you expect March to be and they're taking down the berm in Hermosa, so you know we have a storm coming...  Meanwhile it's currently sunny with 20 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature was a brisk 45.9 and the water is 58.8.  Low tide was early at 5:04am +0.4' and low tide arrives at 11:08am +4.7'.  We have a SW swell out of 223º at 2.0' and that's just about what it was... M organ on a medium sized rocker (#2).  She has gotten so good over the last few years...  Practice, practice, practice... S uzi is in...

St. Patrick's Day Eve Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I t was partly cloudy this morning as photo #1 shows.  The wind was kicking up and it was already 7.7kts at checkout and a significant bump on the sea surface.  The air temp was 57.3 and the water is 58.6.  High tide was at 9:18am +5.3' and low tide will follow at 3:50pm -0.3'.  We have a SW swell out of 226º at 3.9' and it was a ragged 3' to 4'...  S'posed to rain tonight and the wind will be the mitigating factor... H ere we have (#2) Capitán Donaldo executing a perfect "El Telefono."  Once again, this looks deceptively easy, but if you look closely, you'll see a number of boils indicating the shallowness of the playing field and the small surfable area on the wave itself.  And of course the move... #3 features Jah Morgan momentarily distracted by the Capitán's maneuver.  Considering her skill level, if you can begin to impress her, you've done a great job... A lot of questions here (#4)...  Jetski avails hims...

Beware The Ides Of March Thursday Surf & Culture Report (or not)

  Lost Boys & Co... I n photo #1 we have a shot of this wave at Chicken Bowls without anyone on it.  It reminds us of all of those waves we drew on the back of "Peachee" folders and on the brown paper covers we were forced to make for our textbooks...  Pretty, very pretty... V isibility 10 miles this morning with a few clouds scudding by after the rain we had last night.  Lots of blue sky currently.  Winds are strong on-shore by 10kts and are due to ramp up this afternoon.  The sea surface is white-capped and choppy.  The air temp was 57.3 at checkout and the water is 59.5.  High tide was at 8:46am +5.3' and low tide follows at 3:25pm -0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 5.2' and it's 3' to 4' and blown down in most spots...  If the wind abates, we might have something to work with mañana...  I n #2 we've introduced a surfer into the mix.  This is Mr. Christian Stutzman inserting himself into that perfect tube that w...

It's Tuesday NOT Friday the 13th Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o, did we mention that there are a generous number of urchins dotting the rock reefs that make La Barra work.  Boris was the first to discover this as he did some bottom testing at Chicken Bowls...  #1 is titled "Urchint Care."  It features Jetski, a bowl of hot water to soften things up and a bottle of duty-free Jameson's for anesthetic purposes.  In case you think Jetski is overreacting, we pulled out a couple of spines there in Nicaragua and he got SIX more out when he went to see Dr. Bob at home... O vercast this morning trying to decide whether or not to rain.  Winds werre on by 2.9kts and the sea surface had a slight bump.  The air temperature was 58.0 and the water is 58.6.  High tide was at 7:37am +4.9' and low tide will be at 2:32pm -0.2'.  We have a SW swell out of 220º at 2.0' and it was a high tide fueled 1' and poor.  More rain in the forecast and wind as well.  Check it early and see if you ca...

Set Your Clocks Ahead If You Haven't Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I t's not enough being 3 hours jet-lagged then having some genius decide it's time for Daylight Savings!  But we'll forge ahead... S o, if you're paying attention and you're sitting on the right side of the place (the starboard in this case,) you might see a cool little river mouth set-up like this one we saw as we crossed into Nicaraguan airspace (#1)...  Don't know if anyone surfs it, exactly where it is or how to get there, but there it is... O vercast this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 58.3 and the water is 58.8.  High tide was at 6:57am +4.6' and low tide will be at 2:01pm +0.0', setting up for a series of minus tide afternoons.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 2.6' and it was a high tide 2' and a bit close to shore...  Supposed to rain for the rest of the week, but the drains are clear and there could be some opportunities! T his is the v...