Beware The Ides Of March Thursday Surf & Culture Report (or not)

Lost Boys & Co...

In photo #1 we have a shot of this wave at Chicken Bowls without anyone on it.  It reminds us of all of those waves we drew on the back of "Peachee" folders and on the brown paper covers we were forced to make for our textbooks...  Pretty, very pretty...

Visibility 10 miles this morning with a few clouds scudding by after the rain we had last night.  Lots of blue sky currently.  Winds are strong on-shore by 10kts and are due to ramp up this afternoon.  The sea surface is white-capped and choppy.  The air temp was 57.3 at checkout and the water is 59.5.  High tide was at 8:46am +5.3' and low tide follows at 3:25pm -0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 5.2' and it's 3' to 4' and blown down in most spots...  If the wind abates, we might have something to work with mañana... 

In #2 we've introduced a surfer into the mix.  This is Mr. Christian Stutzman inserting himself into that perfect tube that we showed in #1.  Notice how the water in front of the wave is starting to flow off of the reef which happens to be inches beneath his board...  One little mistake and he cleans a swath of urchins off of the rocks...

Our organizer, Morgan Sliff (#3) is featured in this backlit wave at a place called "Pipes."  Pipes was favored in the afternoons when the tide would get so low that the rocks at Chicken Bowls and Miramar really were a problem.  It also featured direct access to a spot called "Bar Ocho."  The best thing about Bar Ocho were the hats.  A cool trucker model, they defined a certain style associated with the region...  The music was loud and wrong and the beers were expensive, but cool hats...

While we were on the road, we characterized this scene (#4) as a "traffic Jam."  In fact the movement of cattle, horses and other livestock does cause some slow-down along the main thoroughfares.  In this case, these were the closest thing to "oxen" we had ever seen.  These were Brahma bull mixed with some brand of cattle and they're used to plow, carry and move things that tractors generally do now.  They'll also mow your ass down if you get in the way.  Oddly enough they have these string like halters that they used to guide them around.  But if they ever wise up, these poor farmers will wish they had tractors...

Happy hour at Laurel Tavern, 5:30pm Friday, March 16...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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