Ugly American Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The Professor (#1) getting ready to rotate on this ear tickling left at Miramar...  On this afternoon he and Don Congrejo met this guy on the beach and he said, "Hey you guys look thirsty.  When you get out of the water come by my place and have a beer!"  We watched him disappear into this cool walled compound that had stairs all the way up the cliff.  Not wanting to be ugly Americans or bad guests, when we got out of the water we walked over to the stairs and ascended into this great little patio above the point.  Turned out he and his guests had worked with Suzi in New York and they knew a bunch of the same folks.  Talk about small world!  He wouldn't let us pay for any of the beers and the hospitality was deluxe! 

Speaking of "Ugly Americans" we realized we didn't know the genesis of that phrase.  Louis Menand helped us out in his article "Made in Vietnam" in the February 26 issue of the New Yorker Magazine.  ""The Ugly American" (by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer) was intended - and received by many - as a primer on counter-insurgency for battlegrounds like Vietnam.  Although the title has come to refer to vulgar American tourists, that was not the intention.  In the book, the "ugly American" is the hero, a man who works side by side with the locals to help improve rice production.  He just happens to be ugly."  So, there you have it...  and don't be a vulgar American tourist...  AND improve rice production.

15 miles visibility this morning with no clouds.Winds were light out of the SE by 1.6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 49.3 and the water got cooled down by the winds to 56.1.  High tide was at 7:41am +5.6' and low tide will be at 2:25pm -0.9'.  We had a SSW swell out of 200º at 2.3' and the tide was floating it a bit for the early session, but later there seemed to be some rideable surf...  Might be better earlier in the morning before the tide gets too high...

So #2 has the Professor and Jetski (after a particularly trying session) wandering back to the compound.  This photo kinda shows the flavor of the place.  Yes, they did go to the bar...

#3 features the clifftop compounds at Miramar.  From the beach they look a lot like tree houses, sans the trees.  Didn't look as deluxe as La Barra, but nice in that surfari sort of way...

Art shot, art shot (#4) takes an ordinary reflection and turns it into art...  Except maybe the feet at the bottom...

We'll be out of town for the next week doing some location work on "Idaho:  300 Ways To Serve Potatoes."  We also understand that there will be skiing involved...  So okay, the report might be a little awkward or fail to show up entirely.  We used to get Easter Vacation, now it's Spring Vacation, but we're suggesting you take BOTH!  Come on, you deserve it...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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