Straddling The Equator Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...
So, El Salvador was a week's worth of fun and good waves.  Unlike previous years, we spent  quite a few sessions at Bocana rights.  Donny & Joey had a memorable go out at Roca Sunzal...  But on to Ecuador!...

Our digs in Quito were designed by the famous Ecuadorian architect Catuna (#1).  He designed the cathedral of Ecuador and is most famous for his new world themes and metal work.  This wrought iron dome covers the central patio...

Surf in the South Bay this morning is small and the wind changed early onshore...  We have a 2.3' swell out of the SW and we need a little more west.  The water is 59.0 and could be some rain in the forecast...

Quito has some amazing churches and several "cathedrals."  One of the oldest off the main plaza (#2) has over 6 tons of gold adorning the main altar and side altars...

The equator runs through Quito just a little north of the main part of town...  "El Medio del Mundo" is quite an attraction.  Our phone (#3) agreed we were on "0" latitude...  LoLa in #4 does the obligatory straddling of the equator...  should mention that we got to the park just as they were closing...  the guard was NOT impressed that we had come this far to see the line.  "Come back tomorrow," he said...  "We're leaving tomorrow!" We replied...  $10 later we were taking pics on the equator...  all things being equal on the equator it was nice to see that some good old fashioned bribery still worked...  We must have mentioned that Nicaragua, El Salvador and Ecuador all use US currency!  The preferred currency for mordida worldwide!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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