There's A Bug Going Around Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You know how it's overcast most of the day, but things clear up just before sunset...  Well, this was one of those days (#1).  Apricot sky fading into dark blue, indigo...  and the parking lot, very photogenic...

Sun was trying desperately to break through this morning and visibility was 5 miles.  Winds were light onshore and there was a slight bump on the sea surface.  The air temp was 55.6 and the water is 58.5.  High tide was at 7:37am +4.7' and low tide will follow at 1:54pm -0.0'.  It was slabby and high tide with a SSW swell out of 199º at 3.0', but it looked bigger than that and we'll venture that it was more like 3' to 5' on the inconsistent sets...

Do YOU know the difference between Iowa and Idaho...  (#2)  Actually, this is the map of the state of Idaho, with "Iowa" emblazoned on the inside.  This is what passes for humor in Idaho...  Iowa is pretty square (shape) except for where it bulges into Illinois and Wisconsin and we currently have no idea what passes for humor there...  Unless it's something corny...

Keoni and the Professor.  Keoni was on a mission to score a bucket of resin and the Professor took a welcome break from sanding fins. 

You will recall that Laurel Tavern is the destination for this week's happy hour and it just won't be the same unless you come...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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