
Showing posts from July, 2018

Test Ban Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... #1)  D o we ever get tired of seeing Morgan on the nose?  The answer is:  NO!  Here we see her at Malibu negotiating competitors, disorganized canoe paddlers and eventually the pier.  The good news is that she was successful on all counts! 10 M iles visibility under hazy sun.  Wind was up early out of the NW by 5.1kts and the sea surface was rippled up.  The air temperature was 66.8 and the water is nice at 70.3.  Low tide was at 6:12am +0.2' and high tide is slated for 12:43pm +4.2'.  We have a west swell out of 261Âş at 2.6' and that's just about what it was... C harlie playing one of her originals(#2).  We need to learn a couple of her songs so that we can accompany her on our European tour in 2019.  Yes, we'll be joining Buck and the Button Box Brothers in Croatia, Slovenia and Amsterdam! #3 N ephew Kawika Ching characteristically in the right spot.  He's the man behind the "Surf Blessons" and yo...

Make It Or Break It Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T he Dutch girls, Marijn and Milou, (who have become Charlie and Meek) have been having a great time surfing.  After two weeks they are paddling and standing up on their own!  Thanks to Yoshi and Morgan who've loaned us a couple of soft boards to get them hooked on the free ride...  (#1 is Charlie leading with her hands and doing the surf hula at Sapphire... F oggy, haze and 3 miles visibility.  Winds were light to moderate onshore with a slight ripple on the surface.  The air temperature was 66 and the water is 71.2.  Low tide was early at 5:42am +0.0' and high tide was at 12:10pm +4.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 192Âş at 2.0' and it was a thumping 1' to 2' at most spots... (#2)  S o who leaves babies on the pier?  Gotta look carefully...  Where do babies hide?  They're everywhere... J etski with the second biggest bottle of Corona he's ever had (#3).  Great times at the Brother's 10th Anniversar...

Five & Ten Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... " Y ou say it's your birthday..."  Well it just happens to be Milou's birthday and here she is (#1) in California, in the sun, in a hammock...  We'd say that three for three is pretty good!  It also happens to be Cathy Carlisle's birthday!  She is also reclining having just completed knee surgery...  A glorious day to both... A gray Friday morning with winds from the NNW at 2 to 3kts.  The sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 68.3 and the water is a summery 72.5.  High tide was at 10:41am +4.0' and low tide follows at 3:27pm +2.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205Âş at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' breaking quick over some Longfellow sand bars.  You should've seen Jetski warping through some of those lefts.  If you haven't noticed Bacallao's act has really improved lately!  He's catching them early and figuratively and literally flying down the line... I srael Kamakawiwo'ole, better known...

Third Star From The Left Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... R eligion, science...  Science, religion...  We're all curious about where we came from.  Maybe curious about where we're going.  Over the years we've visited some of the great temples of religion, so we thought maybe we should visit one of the great temples of science.  A couple of hours away you can stroll into one of the modern wonders of the scientific world, the Hale Telescope on Mount Palomar. Russell Porter, illustrator, architect and engineer designed the dome (#1) and in the process created some cutaway illustrations that can't be matched even with CAD technology!  There are a couple of tours a day and it's so worth it to take a tour and listen to all of the science that this telescope (#2) has been part of.  It continues to operate over 300 nights a year and outfitted with modern electronics the 200" mirror continues to be on the cutting edge of astronomy... A lmost fog and hazy skies this morning with less than 1...

Fire Wheels Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o when you're in Town and you're surfing Flies, you're at Kaka'ako Park.  So you head up Cooke St. make a right on Waimanu St. and when you get to 909 you find yourself at a bit of old Honolulu.  It's the Brewseum, where they have an outrageous amount of WWII memorabilia, mainly focusing on Pearl Harbor and the Pacific Theater of war.  Our Host, Glen Tomlinson, dresses like General MacArthur and if he'd had a pair of aviators and a corn cob pipe he would have been spooky right-on.  You tour the downstairs where everything is annotated and captioned, then you head up the stairs to the speakeasy.  No joke - you need a password and special knock before they let you in the bar.  They serve their own craft beers and vintage WWII drinks.  On Wednesday nights they have a four part trivia contest and you compete with your team.  Lots of fun and a relatively inexpensive way to have fun and slake your thirst in the process....

Tangram Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o let's take a bird's-eye view of some of the reefs around Sunset Beach Hawaii.  In #1 Sensei Joey took this drone shot of a pod of spinner dolphins about 200 yards off of the beach.  The original video features them jumping and spinning and having a marvelous time...  #2 is a shot of Shark's Cove reef and outside of the rocks into the trench to the open water...  And you thought it looked cool from the beach! C loudless skies and 10 miles visibility through a slight haze.  Winds were light offshore by 1.5kts and the sea surface still has some bump from those persistent afternoon winds.  The air temperature was 68.3 and the water has some cool spots at 66.7 to 74.  High tide was at 9:09am+3.7' and it's low at 1:44pm +2.4'.  There's a nice swell out of 209Âş SSW at 5.2' and it was 3' to 5' and it managed to kick some ass and sprain Buck's elbow in the process...  Uncle Chris Miloe thought it was a bit irregular an...

Mermazing Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S aturday evening a contingent of Lost Boys & Co. made it down to Terranea to catch Kevin Sousa and special guest Kira Lingman.  What a fabulous evening!  Kira opened and her brand of big blues really rocked the point outside of Nelson's.  Kevin is always fantastic and we're constantly amazed at how his covers are better than the originals.  We're still singing "Purple Rain"... P icture perfect So. Cal. morning with 15 miles visibility and clear skies.  Winds were soft out of the west, but there was still a bit of residual bump from yesterday's wind.  The air was 66.7 and the water was 67 at the buoy but more like 72 on the beach.  High tide was at 8:28am +3.6' and low tide will be at 1:02pm +2.3'.  There's a SSW swell out of 207Âş at 4.3' and it was 3' to 4' and fun in the sun... G liding over the top of the judges tent (#2) at first point is our own Jah Morgan.  Then in #3 Christian Stutzman gets his knees o...

It's A Fiancé Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... A s many of you know Joey Anderson asked Suzanne Paine for her hand in marriage...  He decided that while they were in Hawaii it would be the perfect place to make the big ask.  In the planning they discovered that Raquel (famous Portuguese Artist/Photographer) would be there as well.  Through deception, choreography and luck, Raquel managed to record the following... #1  "What are you doing on your knee?  Are you okay?  Whaaat....." #2  "Wait, are you serious...  You ARE serious..." #3  "YES!" Then there was a lot of smoochy stuff and all that, but it was pretty cool to be there and turn the day into a celebration... S mall surf today with 7 miles visibility through hazy skies.  Sun is trying though... Winds were light on by 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 66.8 and the water is nice at 72.0.  Low tide is at 10:14am +1.5' and high tide follows at 5:08pm +5.2'.  A small SS...

Very, Very Rare Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T ake a look at the first two attachments today and give in to your best impulses and help the Avery's!  This is as tough as going to the Comedy & Magic Club at $20 a pop, buying a few drinks and laughing a bit to forget how tough some folks have it right now... H azy, warm sun this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea was glassy.  The air temp was 68.9 and the water is quite comfortable at 71.6.  Low tide was at 9:15am +1.0' and high tide follows at 4:11pm +5.0'.  We have a small SW swell at 2.0' out of 224Âş.  It was 1' to 2' and remarkably fun given the conditions...  Actually, we have to say that it's really the crew that makes it so special...  Join up one of these mornings for a bit of hoomalimali! O kay, which girl (#3) is not from Holland?  (Wait, maybe Jah is Dutch?)  The Dutch girls were amazing today!  They both stood up during their first lesson and if this keeps u...

Imagine You're At A Luau Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... Y ES!  The Dutch girls are back in town!  Marijn and Milou have made the trek and will be hanging out with the crew for the next three weeks.  This time they'll be spending more time at the beach and we'll see if they become the best surfers from Holland! C ousin Brian and the Professor (#2) demonstrate the Portagee/Samoan method for striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.  It can be easy to skip the touristy luau's in abundance on Oahu, but the Toá family luau in Waimea Valley seemed to be more like the genuine article.  We spent the afternoon visiting the botanic gardens, which happen to be fabulous and then a quick dip in the falls and then the luau.  After 5 Mai Tai's it's easy to cruise, but the fire dancers (#3) always seem to get our attention... I f we weren't such sticklers for details we'd just say that it was small surf, windy and cold...  but no there was only 5 miles visibility and the skies were so clo...

Already Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... N o matter how often you see a pod of dolphins close-up, they never seem to lose their magic.  Jah Morgan (#1) had the good fortune to join the party on this morning last week in El Porto... H eavy overcast this morning with barely 5 miles visibility.  Winds were persistent onshore gusting to 7kts right from the start.  The sea surface was uneven and bumped to distraction.  The air temperature was 68.0 and the water actually made it nice at 72.5.  Low tide was at 7:30am -0.3' and high tide will be at 2:16pm +4.8'.  We have a west swell out of 260Âş at 3.3', but it was crossed over with the wind and ended up being 2' with an occasional three-footer... (#2)   Sign posted at Rocky Point.  The day we went out there was a lot of tide and it was still pretty quick.  The reef there isn't the infamous antler coral you imagine in some spots, but it's long slabs of rock and coral, dotted with holes and crevasses.  You c...

Re:   Frank Paine

Getting Weirder Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... W aikiki... World's largest wave pool.  From Diamond Head to the Ilikai, it's all right here.  Buck and the Professor decided to go full-tour and rent a couple of long boards and move in on Queens...  Despite being run over by kooks, jousting with confused locals and teasing reluctant novices they had a fabulous morning capped off by drinks at the Hula Grill with Anaconda Burke!  THEN they got a ride to the airport by Calvin, who the Professor convinced had been a student of his at Farrington High...  Yeah, Bla-lah you failed Eenglish - TWICET! H ot in the So. Bay starting out at 69.9 and 72.7 in the water.  10 miles visibility and a hot hazy sun.  High tide was at 9:23am +4.0' and low tide isn't so low at 2:08pm +1.8'.  A small SSW swell out of 213Âş at 2.3' and it was a cool zipping 1' to 2' and the crew made it look like you wouldn't want to miss it...  Mañana at 7am at Brother's... #2 Here we have Mateus Leao,...

Traipsing Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... A lot of people jump off the wave when they get to the end...  Jah Morgan just flutters her wings and rises above the surf and waits for her board to magically return... ( Suzi Paine for Lepidopterist Quarterly )   Why, yes...  we are jealous... T onight at 7:30pm we'll be meeting at the Hermosa Pier (south side) for an evening surf...  Wear a carnation so we'll recognize you... H azy sun and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SE by 5kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 71.2 and the water is 71.1.  High tide was at 8:33am +3.8' and low tide will be at 1:18pm +1.9'.  We have a SW swell out of 225Âş at 2.3' and it was 1' to 2' but twice as fun as it was small...  Join us tonight... D ifficult to imagine but Waikiki is a destination for a lot of weddings (#2).  This young bride got the prize for biggest bow.  It took her three tries to get into the limo.  We are told that ...

Come Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... C oney Island West (#1)  When we were kids, no one used umbrellas.  We thought that was a really east coast thing.  However, times change and folks have a totally different notion about how to approach the sun...  We're waiting for the pendulum swing... N ot quite 10 miles visibility this morning with a warm but hazy sun.  Winds are light out of the SE by 2kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air was a toasty 71.8 and the water is 71.2.  High tide was at 7:37am +3.5' and low tide will be at 12:27pm +1.8'.  There's a SSW swell out of 207Âş at 2.6' and that's just about how it was stacking up.  B$ got the dump this morning after a sticking a couple of rights and a long left almost to the pilings... T he North Shore is supposed to be pretty docile during the summer, but we managed to get a sneaker north at Sunset at the same time the South Bay got some good waves from the NW.  Photos #2 and #3 were the first d...