Third Star From The Left Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Religion, science...  Science, religion...  We're all curious about where we came from.  Maybe curious about where we're going.  Over the years we've visited some of the great temples of religion, so we thought maybe we should visit one of the great temples of science.  A couple of hours away you can stroll into one of the modern wonders of the scientific world, the Hale Telescope on Mount Palomar. Russell Porter, illustrator, architect and engineer designed the dome (#1) and in the process created some cutaway illustrations that can't be matched even with CAD technology!  There are a couple of tours a day and it's so worth it to take a tour and listen to all of the science that this telescope (#2) has been part of.  It continues to operate over 300 nights a year and outfitted with modern electronics the 200" mirror continues to be on the cutting edge of astronomy...

Almost fog and hazy skies this morning with less than 1 mile visibility, clearing later in the morning.  Winds were steady offshore by 3.9kts and the sea surface was smooth.  Air temp. was 68.8 and the water is 71.6 at the buoy.  High tide was at 10:14am +3.9' and low tide followed at 2:56pm +2.3'.  We have a falling south swell at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' with some lefts at the Scotty's bubbles that zipped all the way to the pier.  Morgan had the pier bowl wired and she was gliding through those little inside right sections and making it look easy...  Gonna be mayhem in Hermosa with the volleyball maniacs in full force, but maybe we'll try Tandis's spot south of Neptune...  stay tuned...

Kris Hall and Taylor Stone tied the knot a couple of weeks ago (#3).  The new Mr. & Mrs. Hall are currently vacationing in Britain. Kris is riding waves and shaping boards for folks in Europe...  Their reception was one for the record... 

You can tell how old they are by the size of their tusks...  This one is old and long...  (Boomfwappa cruising the Alaskan straits)

Happy Hour at the Sea Level Bar, Shade Hotel, King Harbor...  Friday, 5pm and take advantage of happy hour!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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