Very, Very Rare Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Take a look at the first two attachments today and give in to your best impulses and help the Avery's!  This is as tough as going to the Comedy & Magic Club at $20 a pop, buying a few drinks and laughing a bit to forget how tough some folks have it right now...

Hazy, warm sun this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea was glassy.  The air temp was 68.9 and the water is quite comfortable at 71.6.  Low tide was at 9:15am +1.0' and high tide follows at 4:11pm +5.0'.  We have a small SW swell at 2.0' out of 224º.  It was 1' to 2' and remarkably fun given the conditions...  Actually, we have to say that it's really the crew that makes it so special...  Join up one of these mornings for a bit of hoomalimali!

Okay, which girl (#3) is not from Holland?  (Wait, maybe Jah is Dutch?)  The Dutch girls were amazing today!  They both stood up during their first lesson and if this keeps up they'll be the first ASP Dutch Champions! #4 is Marijn jamming on this little peeler and #5 is Milou leaning back to go left.  This is the first time we've had a couple of newbies stand up on the first go-out!

Over the years I have noticed that you never use the word "very" in your reports. I like that about you. Being landlocked for the past few years, I notice these things. 
Keep up the good work!
Mark Hall (aka SeaWolf)

Many of you will remember our fellow Lost Boy, SeaWolf, who now resides in the far north.  He was one of the founding fathers of the Lost Boys and figures in no small number of surfing sagas and exploits.  Honestly, we never noticed that we never (rarely?) use the word "very."  We do try to not use clichés or superlatives or fall into swearing more than necessary.  That being said, we'll probably figure out how to make an exception as soon as possible...  Hey, SeaWolf!  Join us sometime!

One more time:  Laurel Tavern, 5:30pm Friday the 20th.  Come and meet the Dutch girls and relax from the stresses of surfing small waves...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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