
Showing posts from October, 2018

We Thought Ariana Grande Was A Font Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... W here would you expect to find this depiction (#1) of this foamy right-hander?  Haleiwa, San Luis Obispo, Hermosa Beach?  Nope, we found this one in downtown Boise, Idaho complete with nasty looking sea creatures underneath the water... W here'd the waves come from?  No, we're not complaining, just wondering... Sunny skies turning into fog by 10am and less than 2 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and then turned on around 9:30.  The air temp was 56.5 and the water is still good at 66.2.  High tide was at 10:23am +6.1' and low tide follows at 5:17pm -0.1'.  We have a SW swell out of 220º at 3.3' and it was 3' to almost 5'.  Hermosa was fat and walled, but there were other spots that seemed to bend a bit better to the swell.  How about Rat when there's more north and the tide's low?... S peaking of Idaho, there are so many Californians fleeing to the Gem State that this has become a popular icon (#2).  "Ya' c...

Time To Get Out Of Turkey Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... F rom the vault, SeaWolf sent us this great shot (#1) of the boys at the Ranch near Troncones at Enrramada Daysi.  From L. to R.: Bill, T.J., Danger Boy, SeaWolf, Joe Murph...  In those days it was a big deal there if anyone else was out in the water... C loudy this morning with 2 miles visibility, clearing as the morning warmed up.  Winds were offshore by 2.2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  Air temp 63.2 and the water is 65.3.  High tide was at 9:51am +6.1' and low tide follows at 4:34pm -0.1' for your clam digging pleasure.  We have a perfectly suitable SW swell out of 223º at 3.0'.  It was 2' to 3' with the makeable corner anywhere near Bobby Warchola... T he Turks have a bizarre (not bazaar) way of having fun.  It's an offshoot of Frisbee® golf.  The main difference is that you ride in the Frisbee (#2).  Fun, but you get dizzier than shit... O ne more food shot (#3).  They cook your lamby-kins in...

Windy Wilma Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... H ere's a shot of Wilma (#1) just before she slammed into Mazatlan.  Can you imagine what Cardon was looking like?  If someone told us it was 15' we'd believe them...  Maybe even 20... C lear skies this morning and 3 miles visibility through the marine haze.  Winds were light offshore by 1.7kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 60.0 and the water is a reasonable 65.1.  High tide was at 9:25am +5.9' on this full moon Wednesday and low tide will be at 3:56pm +0.2'.  We have a SW swell out of 220º at 3' even and that's about what it was, with a couple of fatter outsides in the middle...  Ask Bobby... T his son-of-a-Zamboni (#2) cleans the waters along the Golden Horn.  To tell you the truth it was doing a shitty job while we watched.  The plastic bottles it was trying to scoop kept jumping off of the conveyor belt and the other trash just floated out of arms distance.  With just a few...

World Serious Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... W e're ready for the world series or as Uncle Charlie would say, "The World Serious."  And to top it off, literally, we have our Waterman's Dodger hat (#1)... A nother good session this morning as the clouds rolled in and obscured the early morning sun.  Winds were offshore by 2kts and the sea surface was smooth and wet to the touch.  The air temperature was 59.6 and the water is 65.3, quite nice in good rubber.  High tide was at 8:58am +5.7' and low tide will be at 3:19pm +0.5'.  We have a SW swell out of 219º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4'.  Doc Scale got the dump this morning (the dump is the last bit of hot water in the bucket) for his stellar right on his last wave.  Kids are in the water mañana so the call is 8am.  High tide will be at 9:25am so that's not a bad idea... F rom the western end of the Galata Bridge (#2) in Istanbul.  The original plans for the bridge included a sketch that Leonardo DaVinci submitt...

In Some Places It's Fall Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o, if you were in Idaho right now you might look out your window and see a tree like this one (#1) outside of Bamaburke's house.  Actually our favorite part of the photo is the brilliant blue sky peeking through the red leaves.  Sky doesn't get much bluer than that! C loudy this morning, but winds were offshore and the temperature in the air was 60.8 and the water is 64.6.  The sea surface was smooth and high tide was at 8:36am +5.4' and low tide will be at 2:47pm +0.9'.  We have a SW swell out of 225º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' and some nice corners for the crew.  Of course the big news in the water was that Jetski nailed one of the first kick-outs he tried.  It was a snappy turn on a quick left, but done with the style and panache we've come to expect from him.  Nice, very nice... N o, the photo is right side-up (#2).  We're in the Basilica Cistern that runs below Istanbul.  They call it the Basilica Cistern,...

Re:   Frank Paine  

Whittle Down A Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... H agia Sophia or the church of Holy Wisdom is now a museum after being a Christian Cathedral and an Islamic mosque.  They are busy renovating the interior, but that's kind of a dicey project since they have both Christian and Islamic iconography to deal with.  In photo #1 you see the large medallion (probably 15' across) with one of the names of Allah inscribed.  It covers a depiction of one of the gospel writers.  There is one of those in each corner of the dome.  Beneath the medallion is a staircase that leads to the spot where the Imam reads from the Koran.  He never walks up more than about half way, because the top steps are reserved for Mohamed!   Almost every surface is covered with Islamic calligraphy and it's so ornate, many modern Turks cannot read them... A beautiful morning, chilly at 53.9 in the air and 65.7 in the water.  It was cloudless and the wind was offshore by 2kts.  High tide was at 6:4...

Tighten Your Tunic Tighter Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... O n the Island of Santorini there were a lot of quiet coves that allowed for some fabulous snorking...  Of course the way down to the water is pretty damned steep, from where we were it was 259 steps to be exact!  One afternoon this guy with all these donkeys (#1) came by as we were beginning our trek and the Professor said, "Hey, how much for a ride?"  "6 euros!"  "SOLD!"  The guy knew two words in English, "No problem!"  No matter what anyone said, he responded, "No problem!" A brilliant fall morning out there and it was predictably chilly at 53.8 and 66.6 in the water, which made it feel pretty nice.  10 miles visibility and the Santa Ana's were blowing at 7.5kts straight offshore.  High tide was at 6:07am +3.8' and low tide is shortly after at 10:03am +3.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 213º at 2' and it was small but Doc Scales, Bacallao and the Professor did some splashing and cras...

Another Minoan Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o here is our friend Socrates Bard (#1) and the Professor.  Socrates lives in the Cretan beach town of Chania (Kan-ee-a) where he runs the local beach concession.  He surfs just north of the main beach at Chania at this spot (#3).  Like most of the spots in the Mediterranean that get surf, Chania is on the side of the island (in this case the north side) that faces the longest stretch of open water.  Melissa Mazur clued us in about Socrates and it turned out that he remembered us from his trip some years ago to the South Bay!  He's coming in January and you'll have a chance to meet him and if the surf cooperates, have a session...  As #2 shows, he's got a pretty robust quiver...  Long to short, he's got it covered... A beautiful morning in which the surf refused to cooperate.  10 miles visibility under clear skies and winds by 8kts out of the NNE.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 58.5 ...

Some Art History On Saturday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... It's Saturday, it's raining and the surf is a blown-out mess.  So we thought we'd share a few more pics and you can either take a look or relegate them to the rubbish bin...  You either knew or suspected that the Professor started out as an Art History major in college and LoLa minored in Art History.  They actually met in an art class (LoLa was better looking than the nude model and she had all her clothes on!)   So if you're not bored to tears yet, here goes... We headed down to Crete, where the Minoan culture flourished from 3000 BC to around 1500 BC.  There's no clear reason why the Minoan's disappeared although the area was susceptible to many catastrophic earthquakes and there's speculation that's why they left and began populating what is now mainland Greece.  Crete has amazing history and fabulous temple ruins.  It's also the one place we found that we found surf! #1)  We took this shot of these Minoan axes for...

Fishy Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I n #1 we have some pottery featuring wave/spiral motifs, along with some seaweed-type images...  W inds have been coming up early these days and today was no different with an early NE wind changing to straight west around 8:30.  The air was 55.0 and the water is 67.8.  Low tide was early at 5:16am +1.9' and low tide followed at 11:31am +5.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 3.3' and it was 3' with some tricky double-ups...  #2 Not sure but this looks like a fish consuming a net.  These are the kinds of things fish dream about... #3 Palm trees have always made great decor, but we were also impressed with the smaller vase above that looks like a relief map and corresponding compass roses...  Not sure when the compass came into practical use, but this would be an early example... Y ou have to look close to see the image in #4.  It looks like Bacallao on his stand-up paddling for a wave.  This is actually a si...

Re:   Frank Paine    

Is Your Omphalos An Outty Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... H ere's LoLa ready to run through the gate and take a lap.  We're at original stadium in Olympia, Greece where the Olympic games originated and where they still light the torch that travels to each site.  It turns out that they held games in Greece all over the Peloponnese, but every four years they convened at Olympia for the big event.  It's a site rich in antiquity and there are a couple of museums there and tons of artifacts...  True to form, much of it was ruined when the Christians took over.  It's always been tough being a pagan... G ood session this morning with mostly sunny skies and 10 miles visibility.  Light winds 1 - 3kts from the ENE and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 58.7 and the water was 68.5.  High tide was at 10:58am +6.0' and low tide will follow at 5:42pm +0.1'.  We have a SW swell out of 216º at 3.3' and it was 3' to almost 4 on the rising tide.  Oddly enough the...