We Thought Ariana Grande Was A Font Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W here would you expect to find this depiction (#1) of this foamy right-hander? Haleiwa, San Luis Obispo, Hermosa Beach? Nope, we found this one in downtown Boise, Idaho complete with nasty looking sea creatures underneath the water... W here'd the waves come from? No, we're not complaining, just wondering... Sunny skies turning into fog by 10am and less than 2 miles visibility. Winds were calm and then turned on around 9:30. The air temp was 56.5 and the water is still good at 66.2. High tide was at 10:23am +6.1' and low tide follows at 5:17pm -0.1'. We have a SW swell out of 220º at 3.3' and it was 3' to almost 5'. Hermosa was fat and walled, but there were other spots that seemed to bend a bit better to the swell. How about Rat when there's more north and the tide's low?... S peaking of Idaho, there are so many Californians fleeing to the Gem State that this has become a popular icon (#2). "Ya' c...