Fishy Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

In #1 we have some pottery featuring wave/spiral motifs, along with some seaweed-type images... 

Winds have been coming up early these days and today was no different with an early NE wind changing to straight west around 8:30.  The air was 55.0 and the water is 67.8.  Low tide was early at 5:16am +1.9' and low tide followed at 11:31am +5.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 3.3' and it was 3' with some tricky double-ups... 

#2 Not sure but this looks like a fish consuming a net.  These are the kinds of things fish dream about...

#3 Palm trees have always made great decor, but we were also impressed with the smaller vase above that looks like a relief map and corresponding compass roses...  Not sure when the compass came into practical use, but this would be an early example...

You have to look close to see the image in #4.  It looks like Bacallao on his stand-up paddling for a wave.  This is actually a signet stone for creating wax impressions...  Speaking of Bacallao, some guy was giving him shit on Thursday for riding a stand-up at Hermosa Pier.  The odd thing was that this guy was ON THE PIER!  Now if he had been in the water and Bacallao had been snaking him repeatedly, we could see the enmity.  But we were all catching our share of waves and having a good time, when this guy starts his rant.  To his credit, Bacallao was calm, cool and collected.  We aspire to such adult behavior...  We thought the guy was just a dick...

Some cool dolphins in #5, along with some fishy friends.  We could only imagine if the Surf Familia had lived back then, maybe we'd be displaying the same kind of ocean themed art...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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