White Russian Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

"Cake or death?"  At this rate, we're going to run out of cake!  Happy birthday Brendan Simmons! 

Some fun ones this morning on some wobbly swells.  Partly cloudy skies and about 7 miles visibility.  Winds were light out if the south and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 59.3 and the water is 68.9.  High tide was at 10:25am +6.1' and low tide will be at 4:58pm +0.0'.  We have a SW swell out of 230º at 3.3' and it was all of that, but maybe just a little wally.  It's supposed to start getting bigger as we approach the weekend, but the swell has a lot of south in it so we might not get the full effect...  Check it out!

So, we're snorkeling off Tolo Beach near Olympia and we see this guy inside near the rocks pounding an octopus...  We ask, "Did you get that octopus around these rocks?"  "Maybe out a little further..." he says.  Then, with this great Greek accent, "If you'd like to eat this octopus, I'll give you a good deal at my restaurant tonight!"  So we get the name of his place and it's "Marisco's", just like the Mexican seafood dish.  We got there and we didn't even have to order.  There was wine, soup, veggies and stuffed octopus (#2).  Our host Nick, sat with us and smoked thin little Greek cigs.  True to his word, he cut us a righteous deal and we vowed to eat at his spot every time we're in Olympia...

Loved the logo on this VW bus(#3).  The name of the restaurant was Aquarella and if you couldn't tell, they considered themselves octo-mixologists!

We always thought that Greeks were excellent sailors, but considering the Dominator and this freighter run aground (#4), there might be some discussion on that point.  We asked why they hadn't moved the wreck and they told us that they were afraid that there was still oil left in the tanks and if it broke up they'd have a spill.  Of course if they leave it there they're going to have a spill...  Now it's looking pretty rusty, so you gotta wonder how long they've got...

Happy hour this week has been announced and it will be at Greenbelt on the Hermosa Promenade.  5:30 and you might consider dressing warmly since LoLa and Yoshi prefer the outside!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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