India Telecom Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Have you gotten a call from one of those call centers in India lately?  Paver and the Professor had thought they had found the nexus of all Indian telecom when they found this bundle of wire (#1) just blocks from their digs in New Delhi, but NO!  Most telephone poles in India and Nepal look like this!  When they need new wire, they just string up a new one and leave the old one there...  Since no one knows what's what, they have to put in new wire every time...

Happy Birthday to Jetsky!  Today's the day, but we could celebrate all weekend!

Despite the ugly rumors, there was surf this morning!  A beautiful morning with partly cloudy skies and 10 miles visibility.  No wind and smooth seas, with the air at 51.7 and the water at 59.5.  High tide was at 10:16am +4.6' and low tide is at 4:14pm +0.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205º at 2.6' and it was a fun high tide 2' to 3'.

We thought we were getting warmer when we found all this cable and category 6 fiber optics running into this building. (#2)  It turns out this is where Jack-In-The-Box has their communications center.  When you talk to Jack to make your order, it comes here and then they send the order to the cook.  In all this mess of cable there are only 2 electrical power lines, the 2 skinny wires on the very top.  The rest is low power and signal cable...

At last we rickshawed down this street (#3), avoiding the low hanging wires and the wires they just cut and leave hanging.  That's why so many Indian people are short.  Anyone over 5' 7" gets shocked shitless by the hot ends...  We turned into this building following the fiber optics and found five American guys named Tom, Mike, Josh, James and Bill taking on their phones using lousy Indian accents!  They do this just to give India Telecom a bad name!  Glad we could clear this up...

Happy Hour resumes next week for your tippling pleasure...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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