Spiritual, Religious Or Holy Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

India and Nepal just might lead the world as a destination for holy-persons...  In photo #1 we see a "Sky Clad" a holy man who refuses the accoutrements of the world, including clothes.  Clad only in flowers and ashes rubbed on his body, he really doesn't beg for alms, but will extend his hand if you take his picture.  In return he gives you a couple of sweets from a bowl in front of him...

Windy again this morning!  Boo!  10 miles visibility and cloudy skies.  Winds were 5 to 7kts on shore and the sea surface was bumpy.  The air temperature was 53.3 and the water is 55.9 and can start warmi9ng up again whenever it wants.  High tide was at 6:41am +5.1' and low tide will be at 1:27pm -0.6'.  We have a SW swell out of 227º at 2.3' and it was a weak 2' and blown out...

This monk sits in front of a large bell with Buddhist inscriptions (#2).  The Indian flag has three colors representing the three main religions:  orange for Buddhists, white for Hindus and green for Muslims.  The wheel in the center of the flag either represents Gandhi's spinning wheel or the Ashoka Chakra.  We got both as definitive explanations...

In Nepal on the banks of their sacred river (which flows into the Ganges), these holy men will tell your fortune (#3) for a nominal donation.  We somehow avoided the temptation...

These three gentlemen (#3) have resisted being called holy or religious, but in some ways they might qualify for esprit...  We have The Professor, Kawika and Jetski sending good vibrations your way...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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