Is Valium An Element Wednesday Surf & Culture Report?

Lost Boys & Co...

(#1) Demonstrates the grayness of the morning (5 miles visibility).  Winds were soft offshore by 6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a predictable 65.5 and the water is 67.6.  High tide was at 11:18am +4.0' and low tide will be not that low at 3:57pm +2.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 209º at 3.9' and it was just about that with 3' to 4' waves getting mushed out by the high tide...

Rovinj in the Istrian countryside is a delightful town with a fabulous harbor (#2).  You can see the weather vane on the church for miles out to sea.  It's a statue of St. Euphemia and when it faces out to sea the locals are happy because that means that the winds are warm and light.  But when she faces the north the locals hunker down because that signals that the "Bora" winds will blow.  The Boras come down and are cold and fierce.  On the island of Pag, there's a story about a Bora that blew so hard it blew fish out of the water...  On the peninsula around Rovinj there's some great bicycle trails (#3).  We spent a morning cycling around and viewing the islands.  Depending on who you ask there are either 1200 or 2000 islands.  Some bureaucrat decided they all had to be named.  So folks started turning in names for their islands.  You couldn't have the same name for two islands so they had names like Big Kortja and Little Kortja, Larry's Island, Big and Little Muffin and our personal favorite; Grandma's Ass.  It looked like Grandma's Ass, maybe to Grandpa...

On our way down the coast, we stopped in Pula to visit Diocletian's coliseum.  (#4) Is our panoramic view of this amazingly well preserved Roman edifice.  Looks like we unwound it...  An interesting side note about Diocletian is that he was one of the only Roman emperors to retire.  Most of them were overthrown, murdered or met other bad ends...

We had just sat down to lunch in Opatija when we noticed this plaque above our table (#5).  Leo Henryk Sternbach grew up here and went on to develop Valium.  We can only imagine that he longed for the quiet of Opatija in the bustle of Chapel Hill...  We remained calm...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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