Waffle Stomper Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

What do we have here (#1)?  It's the Professor's new ride, kinda...  He took the ape-hangers off and added enough electricity to dim the lights in Carson every time he hits the throttle.  Tarzan did the modifications with a bit of help from LUNA Cycle and Strand Electric Bikes.  In fact Tarzan is now quite the expert on electric bikes.  If you have any questions about turning your ride into a pedal-assist or a Vincent Black Bamboo Lightning like the Professor, see him...

A beautiful morning this, with 15 miles visibility and light winds out of the SW.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was a warm 66.3 and the water is 68.5.  8:46am is low tide at +1.6' and high tide will be at 3:55pm +4.5'.  We have an rather oblique SSW swell out of 193º at 2.3' and it was 1' to 2' and great shape if you could manage the ankle-snappers...

Everywhere you go in Croatia they have some connection to the shooting location of "Game of Thrones."  High on the parapet (the final story you had to reach by climbing a ladder) Tarzan (#2) does several things he swore he'd never do: 1. He's drinking out of a skull goblet.  It was relatively small so it was either a child or a young woman.  2. It's a blue drink.  Since Clarke invented the "Blue Aloha" he swore off blue drinks.  He can no longer say that...  3. We were drinking while sitting on this crenelated tower which was 50' to the water on one side and 40' to the pavement on the other.  If you had one drink too many, we had no idea how you might get down.  Some folks must just spend the entire evening up there...

But we made it down and attracted by the music around the corner, we made it our business to instruct the locals and all the high maka-maka yachtspersons the finer aspects of the boogaloo...  Here we have LoLa and Tarzan (#3) mopping the dance floor with an Australian fellow who owned a boat only slightly smaller than the Queen Mary... 

On Korchula the entire island celebrated the "Feast of Corpus Christie."  This involved a procession (#4) that wound it's way through the old town and down to the harbor.  Carrying a banner was our boat captain from our beach trip to one of the smaller islands...

Then we have Tarzan pointing out the name of this yacht (#5), the "Mama Marija."  Which just happened to be what he called his grandmother!  Now see how big this boat is...  This is somebody's yacht.  They had bigger dinghies than most people's boats...

Remember that it's Laurel Tavern for this week's happy hour.  5:30 on Friday and just in time...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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