Milk Of Magnesia Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Jetski has now figured out how to park for free in Hermosa Beach.  He's using this borrowed (#1) sweater (it wasn't ugly enough to qualify for the party) and when he wants to park he just puts it over the meter.  If there's not a meter he just stands there...

Crystal clear skies and 20+ miles visibility.  All that wind yesterday rarefied the air.  Winds are light offshore this morning at 3.0kts and the sea surface sis smooth to glassy.  The air was a chilly 41.9 and the water is still 61.0 even after the wind.  Low tide was at 5:11am +2.8' and high tide will be at 11:16am +5.6'.  We have a west swell out of 267º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' with some fatter outsides...

This could be the reason there aren't more women glossers.  It's one of the few jobs where you come to work and the first thing you do is take off your shirt ( so you don't get any lint in the resin.)  Here (#2) we have a virtuoso of the art, Jimmy Barahona, working on one of his personal whips.  The V (5) is a giveaway...

If they're not the cutest surf couple, who is?  Mr. Christian and Jah Morgan cleaned up and on the red carpet...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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